I also have to tell you the new words Arianna can say: arm, knee, and eat! Today was the first time she said 'eat' and I was SO shocked. I was asking her if she was hungry then signed 'eat' at the same time I said it...and she signed & said it back to me! I started a list of words she can say and we are up to 26 words but only 18 words that someone besides myself could understand. I'm so proud of my baby girl! It's been a slow road with her speech but I know she will talk when she is ready.
From heart surgeries, medical updates, healthy living, accomplishments and trials. We are learning to live each day to the fullest and become the healthiest and happiest family we can be! We love with all our HEART and believe with every ounce of our SOUL ---- God has a PLAN and PURPOSE for our family! (Jeremiah 29:11)
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Bike ride!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Chef Rock from Hell's Kitchen
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Watching her favorite show...Wow Wow Wubbzy!!
I know I've slacked on the photo's lately so hope you enjoyed.
Our day has been rather good around here. It started off waking up by getting the sweetest little kisses from my baby girl! That just melts my heart when she wakes me up like that. :)
Then Arianna played in the playroom because we finally got a cable box in there that gets the Noggin channel. It's so funny cause we've had that room set up for her ever since we've moved in, with the same toys, but now that she can watch her shows in there she won't play anywhere else. I'm liking it ALOT!
Then I had to head over to the hospital to visit with a family in ICU. Today was my first time taking one of my Mended Little Hearts visitors along with me to show her the ropes. Unfortunatly, the mom just stepped out so we weren't able to visit with anyone but we did go to the cafateria and chat for awhile. I can't tell you how great it feels to sit down face-to-face with another heart mom and talk. I felt so normal and comfortable talking with her. And she has the cutest little 4 month old that I can't wait to hold.
So when I got home I decided to download all the video footage we've acquired since we purchased the camera. I'm actually downloading the surgery footage right now...not the best time of our life but I'm happy we have it on film to show Arianna when she's older. After watching all the infant videos it made me appreciate all that we've been through and see how far Arianna has come. It was just one year ago that she was learning to crawl and 8 months ago she was taking her first wobbly steps. It's amazing how time flys by. I can't wait to get all the footage on the computer and start putting them onto CD's. I would like to put together a couple CD's of different stages in her life, along with pictures and music but I'm not sure how to do all that yet. I really need to start scrapbooking but I'm not all that good at it yet and it can be rather expensive. Maybe Krista can let me borrow her Cricut machine since I've hear those are pretty neat! I'll have to safe up to get one myself.
Robert is feeling pretty crappy today and laying on the cough right now. He caught the same virus I had. :( I have some really cute pictures of him and Ari relaxing on the recliner but I'm not sure he'd like me to post those.
I did hear back from the pediatrician and of course Arianna is doing alot better today. Her sats when sleeping were in the low 90's but she still wants me to give her the Albuterol before bed and monitor her to see if that keeps her airways open all night. She wants us to keep that up through the weekend and see if that helps. We set up an appointment for Friday because the pedi didn't want us to get into the long week (Labor Day) and have problems arise. I love our pedi!
Arianna took a late nap at 4:30, which seems to be the norm for her lately. Ugh! So I tried to wake her up at 5:30 but she just laid on me and cried everytime I tried to make her wake up. Finally at 7:00 she woke up, so it's going to be a late night for my little rugrat.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Holding her own
She did really well tonight without coughing or wheezing. Right before bed I gave her some Motrin because she cut another tooth tonight and she immediatly threw it back up along with some nasty mucous. I know that's nasty...but at least she got it out.
Once she was asleep I checked her sats again and she was running in the high 80's and sounded a little junky. I gave her another dose of her inhaler and that seemed to help. She's only satting at 90% right now while she is sleeping which is not where she should be so I'm still going to put a call into the pediatrician tomorrow and see how often I should be doing her inhaler and for how long. It seems to help her a little so that is reassuring. I'm just worried about going into the winter season now knowing her lungs are still so fragile. It wasn't even like she caught the full blown respiratory bug that I had and it's causing her this much trouble. I am really not looking forward to all that isolation again but it's a small price to pay for the health of my child.
As of right now she is holding her own so we won't put the oxygen on unless she drops into the 80's. I'm just so happy this time around we know she has lung issues and have all the things at home to treat it. It's better than letting it get worse over time then being put in the hospital for a week.
I did talk to the pediatrician that was working yesterday, not our doctor, and she told me to do the Albuterol treatments every 4 hours if she was wheezing. Of course she is no longer wheezing but be is still satting on the low side. I checked her when she was taking a nap this afternoon and she was at 87% so I hooked up the O2. Then when she was eating dinner I checked her again, since this is the only time she is sitting still and she was satting at 90%. She normally sats around 94% so this is a little concerning. I would understand if she was coughing and showing symptoms of a cold but she is not. So we'll keep up with the O2 during naps and at night. I have completely misplaced the cloth tape I need for her face so I'll be running out to get some more.
Our pediatrician is in tomorrow so I'll put a call into her first thing in the morning and see what she wants me to do.
Thanks for checking in on my girl. I finally bought some batteries so I'll post some pictures later!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Quick update
Earlier I put a call into the pediatricians office to ask about her Albuterol treatments. You know how many puffs and how often since we've only used it while she was really sick back in February. I tell her the symptoms she was having and how our pulse oximeter wasn't working correctly. I told her Arianna normally sats about 92% while sleeping so I know if she has any respiratory issues that would make her sats drop below 90%. She sad we should put her on oxygen while sleeping until we get our pulse ox fixed.
Let me tell you what...she was PISSED when we put the cannula on her. She was sleeping and the second we put it on her she was screaming as if I was hurting her. Needless to say she did not get a good nap and asking super cranky right now. ***
I'm finally feeling better but it looks like Arianna caught the same virus as me. She is coughing and wheezing so we started her Albuterol inhaler this afternoon. She is still playing and running around so it's not affecting her too much. She's been taking really long naps during the day and staying up till midnight so it makes for a very long evening around here. Everyone tells me to just wake her up after an hour....yeah right...you try and do that and she how she acts. Poor baby just needs her beauty rest.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Mommy yuckies
Amazingly, Robert has really stepped up and helped me with Arianna today. Not that he doesn't help out but he's going above and beyond what he normally does. Honestly, I think that's because he want to go RC flying tomorrow. Men always have their motives. LOL! So I'm sitting here in peace and quite for the 2nd time today and it feels kind of weird to be home alone. Early he took her to the grocery store and right now he took her to the park to meet a buddy of his...doing some guy stuff. I could get used to this! :)
All in all it's been a quite afternoon with Arianna taking a 3 hour nap on the couch while we were able to sit and watch an entire movie!!! That's a miracle in itself. LOL!
Arianna started with a cough a few nights ago while she was sleeping so I'm beginning to wonder if maybe this is something she passed on to me. She started with a little coughing this afternoon but I immediatly laid my hands on her and prayed that she wouldn't get this head cold. We know how yucky that would be for her. At least we have the oxygen tank still just in case we need it, but I'm hoping we don't.
I'm beginning to feel yuck but thought I would come on here and post since I had the time. Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Oh yeah, I woke up this morning with a sore throat. Hopefully its just from having the AC on too low cause I really don't want to pass anything on to Arianna. She's already had a bad week. :(
Feeling better!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
MMR Reaction?
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
All over the place with this post
I'm not sure but this fever could be due to the MMR vaccine she had last week or the fact that she is cutting another tooth. Who knows?!?! It's just weird because Arianna's sister and my sister are both sick today as well and all 3 of them have different symptoms. We spent Sunday together for my birthday, which was yesterday, so who knows what is going around. Here's a birthday picture I just LOVE! She is really into blowing out candles so I can't wait for her 2nd birthday!

An iPod!!!!
I have been wanting one for a few months but didn't think I would actually get one. I feel so spoiled now. Now when I get irritated I just put on my headphones and tune everyone and everything out :) I can't wait to dowload some of the teaching CD's I've been listening to. Since we can't go to church that often I get my sermons in this way.
I also wanted to share with you my birthday verse. I know I shared this with you all before but for those who didn't see it. Check out http://www.birthverse.com/ and see what your birthday verse is. Here is mine:
Romans 8:18 NIV
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
Okay, I know this blog is normally about Arianna but I have a prayer request for myself. This Monday I went to see an orthopedic doctor for my back. I have dealt with back pain since I was a teenage and hip problems since I was born. I had some x-rays taken a few weeks ago and my primary doctor diagnosed me with something called 'Pars Defect'. Basically the pars is the articulating part of your vertebrae and I was told that I have two fractures there. So I went to the orthopedic doctor who did an evaluation and reviewed my x-rays. He told me I indeed have a bilateral Pars Defect on the L5, spondylolysis (basically meaning break), and spondylolisthesis (slipped disc). Here is a diagram to show you exatcly what it is:

I was not very happy with this news at all but hopeful when the doctor said this can stabilize over time if I start taking care of myself. He is sending me for physical therapy 2x's a week for 6 weeks to help teach me the exercises I should and should not be doing. He did tell me to stay off my elliptical which really sucks because that is the only exercise machine I own. The main thing I have to do is build my core stregnth, which we all know I need to do, so this just gives me more of a motivating factor. If the pain gets worse then the doctors said the only treatment option would be surgery and that is not what I want to do. So, for those who pray please be in agreement with me that this will stabilize and we can keep the "s" word as far away from me as possible.
Thank you!
Sorry for the lack of picturs lately I still need to go buy batteries for our camera but I promise to get some this week.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Eagle River boy gets his new heart
Trista, Shawn's mother, is the coordinator for the Mended Little Hearts in Alaska and is a remarkable woman. She is such an inspiration to me and I look forward to meeting her and Shawn one day.
Monday, August 11, 2008
I can't believe I'm going to say this but we don't have a doctors appointment for the next 2 months!!! I think Arianna needs to have a repeat renal ultrasound in October then we'll do a follow up visit with Urology but that is it. I can't believe we have finally made it to this point. And we also have cut back her OT sessions to once a month! Our baby girl is doing so well. I am just so thankful for all of you that have prayed for her and followed our journey. It hasn't been easy by far but I feel like I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
I've been keeping very busy with our support group. I even did our first Accredited Visitor Training last week and plan on getting several of our members into the hospital visiting families in the ICU after surgery. Next month I'll be getting really busy with presentations, meetings, and training hospital visitors but it's all worth it.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
21 Party!
Enjoying her yummy vanilla ice cream
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Cardiology Appointment
First thing we had to do was a weigh in and the tech was going to put her on the baby scale and I had to tell him she was too big for that and can stand on the big girl scale all by herself. Okay...drumroll please...... Arianna weighs 21 pounds 12 ounces !!!! Of course she had a diaper and her clothes but either way she made her big 2-0!!! We will be celebrating tonight with some yummy cake!
We waited in the room for a very long time and Arianna got bored with all her toys. The nurses were all great and keep bringing her stickers, crayons and pages to color, and stopping in just to say hi. Originally a different cardiologist came in and he took one look at her chart and said, "I've never seen Arianna before." I said, "No, we see Dr. Klewer." I was really looking foward to see our cardiologist. You see we got to a childrens clinic that has multiple PC's and they normally schedule 2 or 3 to come at a time. I always schedule when Dr. Klewer is there and he is really good about coming in to see us. So after I told the other PC that we see Dr. Klewer he asked if I wanted to see him instead and of course I said yes. But the look on Arianna's face when see saw Dr. Klewer was priceless. This man stands over 7 feet tall and Arianna just loves him. He is SO good to her and does everything at her pace. He gives her the stethscope and she puts it right on her chest. She sits very quitly on my lap and just looks at him directly into his eyes with such trust its incredible to watch. I'm so happy this will be her doctor for a very long time.
It has been 9 months since her last echo so we had one today. I have to tell you I was a little worried about how she would do since she is older and doesn't sit still.