After having so many problems with our dentist I took Arianna to a new one today. He was really nice and way more thorough. Unfortunatly, she has gone from 1 cavity 2 months ago to 6 cavities.
I have been brushing those teeth like crazy so I know this is just a DiGeorge thing. Many DiGeorge kids have a lack of enamel causing cavities and other problems.
This is a really serious issue since she is a heart patient. She will need to undergo anesthesia and have her teeth x-rayed, cleaned, cavities filled, and hopefully nothing more. Hopefully, once this is done we can keep up on it and prevent future issues. We are now brushing more often, flossing and using floride. I didn't realize I could give a 3 year old floride so thats good to know.
Now we wait for the cardiologist to decide if this can done in-house or if it has to be done at the hospital. I have a feeling she needs to be at the hospital which means we might have a problem getting her scheduled. Apparently, the dentist only goes every few months and he is booked for December. Grrr! Hopefully, he will see the concern and make an exception. I have already told him the issues I've had with our last dentist and he reassured me we shouldn't have those issues and if I do to let him know personally. Nice to have a caring dentist!