Arianna & Grams
From heart surgeries, medical updates, healthy living, accomplishments and trials. We are learning to live each day to the fullest and become the healthiest and happiest family we can be! We love with all our HEART and believe with every ounce of our SOUL ---- God has a PLAN and PURPOSE for our family! (Jeremiah 29:11)
Saturday, February 27, 2010
This morning we took an unexpected trip to the bowling alley! Arianna had a blast. I'm beginning to realize how grown up she is becoming when it comes to these kind of outtings. The other day at the zoo I took her stroller because she normally walks and then asks to be held. Not this time...she walked/ran the entire time. Then today she actually bowled her entire game when she used to only do about 5 frames and be done with it. I'm so excited about doing these fun things with her and look forward to doing many more. :)
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Dentist Appointment
Today we went in for a follow-up dental appointment. Arianna is scheduled to go to the OR on March 30th for her cavities but we wanted to make sure nothing was getting worse in the meantime. Everything looked the same so that was a relief. Of course they will do xrays and see if anything else needs to be done while she is under anesthesia. I'm really dreading this but I know it needs to be done.
Tomorrow I'm taking Arianna to the zoo with another heart mom and her daughter so I'll have pictures to post then. It should be nice and in the 70's so I'm going to enjoy this weather while I can. :)
Tomorrow I'm taking Arianna to the zoo with another heart mom and her daughter so I'll have pictures to post then. It should be nice and in the 70's so I'm going to enjoy this weather while I can. :)
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Lots to update
I will warn you that I'm all over the place in this post. Just trying to get everything in. :)
I know it's been awhile since I updated. We are doing our normal weekly routine. Monday and Tuesdays we watch baby Brendon, Wednesday is speech therapy and every other week is my OB appointments, Thursdays and Fridays are filled with shopping, doctor appointments, and any errands we need to do. It is really nice to be able to do all of this stuff and not be on bed rest. (Sorry Megan I know it's been rough for you). I was on bed rest by 21 weeks with Arianna so I was really concerned about how I would do this time around. I'm still taking the progesterone shots, which are making me one crazy, hormonal woman. I just keep telling myself it's temporary and all worth it to keep this little guy inside and growing. Oh yeah...we're having a BOY! We had the baby's echo a few weeks ago and the cardiologist said his heart looked great! We have another echo at 32 weeks to confirm nothing has changed. Here are his latest pics..
Bepa helping Arianna make her strength bracelet
Speaking of the heart...yesterday was Arianna's cardiology check-up. It had been a year since her last echo so I already prepared her for that. Unfortunatly, they got a new machine that does an EKG at the same time so she was upset about the stickies they put on her. I think it also made a difference since the normal echo tech was not there.
If we talk on Facebook you already read about the results but I'm going to post it again anyways
I know it's been awhile since I updated. We are doing our normal weekly routine. Monday and Tuesdays we watch baby Brendon, Wednesday is speech therapy and every other week is my OB appointments, Thursdays and Fridays are filled with shopping, doctor appointments, and any errands we need to do. It is really nice to be able to do all of this stuff and not be on bed rest. (Sorry Megan I know it's been rough for you). I was on bed rest by 21 weeks with Arianna so I was really concerned about how I would do this time around. I'm still taking the progesterone shots, which are making me one crazy, hormonal woman. I just keep telling myself it's temporary and all worth it to keep this little guy inside and growing. Oh yeah...we're having a BOY! We had the baby's echo a few weeks ago and the cardiologist said his heart looked great! We have another echo at 32 weeks to confirm nothing has changed. Here are his latest pics..

This weekend we had our Mended Little Hearts meeting. We had a pizza party to celebrate CHD Awareness Week and Beads of Courage came and did strength beads with us. Here are some pictures from that day.
Getting ready to load up the car.
Arianna & Brendon
(This is the little guy we watch. He is adorable!)
Bepa helping Arianna make her strength bracelet
Speaking of the heart...yesterday was Arianna's cardiology check-up. It had been a year since her last echo so I already prepared her for that. Unfortunatly, they got a new machine that does an EKG at the same time so she was upset about the stickies they put on her. I think it also made a difference since the normal echo tech was not there.

The right ventricle pressures are rising, as we knew they would. Of course they will never give us a timeline for when the next surgery will be but I was warned it might be sooner than we anticipated. Her RV pressure was 21 back in Aug. 08' and today it was 24. If I remember correctly we don't want that number higher than 27. So if she continues with this pattern that would put as at needing surgery in about a year and a half. If the pressures get worse before then we will do a cardiac MRI and depending on what that information gives us will determine when surgery is needed. We go back in 6 months for a check up. Not sure if they will do another echo at that time. In the meantime we are just going to enjoy every day with her. Physically you would have no idea her heart is getting worse.
I made her sleep in our room last night so I could keep an eye on her. Her sats stayed just high enough to not need oxygen. :) She is doing so much better today and not even needing her nebulizer!
So last night Arianna's cough got a little worse. I checked her sats and she was borderline needing oxygen so we pulled out the nebulizer. Sometimes I think it works better than the inhaler.
Well I think that about covers everything. I'll try to update more freqently so I don't have to cram everything into one post. I appreciate everyone that checks in on us! :)
Mended Little Hearts,
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