Sorry for the lack of updates. I get so caught up on updating on Facebook I forget to post here. So let me catch up on the last month.
Arianna went in for dental work at the hospital a few weeks ago. She just had 6 cavities to fill but had to go the OR and be put completely under. :( She did really well before going back but afterwards was horrible. She freaked out and for some reason the nurse thought it would be better to wait 15 minutes to come and get me. I am SO upset about that. Here she is in her pre-op clothes...
Then Arianna finally had her 1st haircut ever! As you can see we only took a little bit off.
Then we have Easter which was alot of fun! We went to church and Arianna did an egg hunt with all the kids. Here she is with her friend Alyssa.
Then we went to my mom's for Easter lunch! Here is Arianna with her Grams and Nanny.
Then this past Sunday we had a "Baby Celebration" with our families! Basically, instead of the traditional baby shower we wanted to have a family BBQ. It was alot of fun but unfortunately I didn't get any pictures. (Mom you'll have to send me the ones you took.)
Today we went in for our follow-up fetal echo and everything looked great! We have finally picked out a name for our little man...Devin Robert! As of 31 weeks he is already weighing 4 1/2 lbs..BIG BOY! It's crazy cause Arianna weighed 4lbs 13ozs at birth which was 36 weeks. I can guess we will be having an 8-9 lb'er. The cutest thing on ultrasound was to see his full head of hair. I had no idea they could see hair on ultrasound. If you look at the picture below you can see his spiky hair!

Well...I think that is just about everything this past month. I hope you all are doing well. Thanks for stopping in and checking on us!