So lately Arianna has really been using her signing to communicate when she is hungry. Every morning she wakes up and the first thing she does is sign 'eat'. It is so cute, I know she is hungry cause she no longer wakes for a bottle at night. Some days she will eat scrambled eggs for breakfast but sometimes she just wants her milk. I have been working on signing 'milk' so she can start communicating exactly what it is she wants, 'milk' or 'food'. So this morning I sat her in the highchair and gave her scrambled eggs. Then she started making noise to get my attention because I was making myself breakfast and when I looked she perfectly signed 'milk'. I made a huge deal about it and gave her the milk. I am just so proud of her and when she does a new sign I just get so excited.
Speaking of food, we went over to my Nana's this afternoon and she was hanging out with my sister eating some gerber puffs. I figured since she showed interest in eating that I would cut up a hotdog since I haven't tried that in awhile. Not expecting her to eat it I handed it to her Aunt and told her to try and see if she would eat it. I was picking up around the house and Aunt Lissa told me she was eating so I figured I would leave them alone to eat. Arianna got a little fussy so Aunt Lissa put her on the floor while she continued to feed her. About 10 minutes later she told me Arianna ate the entire hotdog, which was really half a hotdog, but still this is huge! I just continue to thank God for all the baby steps she is doing
So after all the excitement at Nana's we had to run to the grocery store. As we were shopping my sister noticed she was signing 'eat'. We were by the baby isle so I opened a box of gerber cookies since she has been into those again. We went down the snack isle she must have noticed some of the snacks I give her and started signing 'eat' some more. Her is a child that has had eating issues for months and for some reason she sees all the food and wants to eat. So you better believe I open a bag of cheetos and let her eat while we finish shopping. I am just so excited today with all her signing and eating. She hasn't gained any weight this month but I'm hoping she will start to show more interest like today. We have 2 weeks before going back to the GI doctor for a weight check, so maybe we can get a few ounces on her before then.
Okay, so on to the medical side of things. I missed the call from the neurologist that I have been waiting on all week. He did leave a message saying he got my message that I received the MRI results and wanted to go over them. He confirmed she does NOT have a tethered chord and said the butterfly vertebra is a bony anomaly associated with the 22q Deletion syndrome. He said if I have any questions to call him back. I thought to myself, "HELLO, I have tons of questions." I left a message and just got a call from the nurse saying he is out until next week. So hopefully we can talk next week and get a better idea of what they saw in the MRI.
I also wanted to mention if you have a child with a congenital heart defect or with 22q deletion and would like your childs link on the blog just let me know. I am trying to get a list of heart and 22q kids so other families can find each other for support. I know alot of our 22q kids have CHDs so let me know which way you would like to be listed.
Till next time!