I have a prayer request for a family I found from another heart family I keep up with. This is part of their post from June 23rd:
For new people on our page Susannah has hypoplastic left heart syndrome and there is a link in my contact info section explaining what that is. Ok so Susannah has a leaking tricuspid valve of which is part of her defect. Since she was born the leak over time has gotten worse. Over the course of the last few months it has worsened even more causing her lower than her normal oxygen saturations. By this it means that her valve isn't doing it's job of completely closing and regurgitating blood. So this in turn has caused a secondary condition of her heart wanting to pump pump pump and not relax. I'd like to add that the tricuspid valve is between the right atrium and right ventricle. The right side is the only functioning part of Susannah's heart so this is a very important part. Dr. Ringewald explained that we have two options which are to repair the valve or she will need a heart transplant.
A post from July 11th comfirmed that Susannah, who is 3 1/2, will need a heart transplant. Today her post was very heart breaking to read. She is trying to learn how to pray for her daughter. I never thougth about having to pray for a new heart, when you know another child has to die in order for your child to receive theirs. This is very hard on Brooke, her mother, and she could really use some prayers and kind words. She gave me permission to post her carepage site for others to view. The carepage name is: OurLittleSusannah.
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