First thing we had to do was a weigh in and the tech was going to put her on the baby scale and I had to tell him she was too big for that and can stand on the big girl scale all by herself. Okay...drumroll please...... Arianna weighs 21 pounds 12 ounces !!!! Of course she had a diaper and her clothes but either way she made her big 2-0!!! We will be celebrating tonight with some yummy cake!
We waited in the room for a very long time and Arianna got bored with all her toys. The nurses were all great and keep bringing her stickers, crayons and pages to color, and stopping in just to say hi. Originally a different cardiologist came in and he took one look at her chart and said, "I've never seen Arianna before." I said, "No, we see Dr. Klewer." I was really looking foward to see our cardiologist. You see we got to a childrens clinic that has multiple PC's and they normally schedule 2 or 3 to come at a time. I always schedule when Dr. Klewer is there and he is really good about coming in to see us. So after I told the other PC that we see Dr. Klewer he asked if I wanted to see him instead and of course I said yes. But the look on Arianna's face when see saw Dr. Klewer was priceless. This man stands over 7 feet tall and Arianna just loves him. He is SO good to her and does everything at her pace. He gives her the stethscope and she puts it right on her chest. She sits very quitly on my lap and just looks at him directly into his eyes with such trust its incredible to watch. I'm so happy this will be her doctor for a very long time.
It has been 9 months since her last echo so we had one today. I have to tell you I was a little worried about how she would do since she is older and doesn't sit still.
Waiting for her echo
My mom brought her Ipod with her and thank goodness because she didn't like that gell on her but the second we put Dora on for her to watch she calmed right down. She did really well and the echo took only 5 minutes.
The results of the echo were great! The very first thing he said was he could see a little bit of the pulmonary valve?!?!? What?!?! This valve was something the surgeon made out of her heart muscle and was told at our last echo that is had completely disappeared, which was expected. I've been praying for a miraculous healing and for God specifically to create a pulmonary valve. The second I heard this news I knew it was the work of His hands. This is just the beginning of good news for my baby girl!!! The rest of what I'm going to say might be confusing but my heart momma's should understand. I just hope I can explain it correctly but I'll give it a shot. She shows mild pulmonary stenosis with a pressure of 1.9 in her pulmonary arteries (normal is 1.5) I did get alot of information today so I hope I got it all right.
I think that about covers it all. Then I started crying when our PC told us we didn't have to come back for 6 MONTHS!!! I have been waiting for the day that we could go 6 months without a cardiology appointment and that day is finally here. I can't believe we don't have to go back till Febuary 2009...that's next year! We get to celebrate her 2nd birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New year without having to worry about her heart. Of course, if something comes up we can go in but I just know she will do great and won't need to see anyone. Besides we have an amazing pediatrician who will keep up with us in the meantime.
What an awesome post...and awesome news from the cardiologist today! I'm so proud of both of you...cause we all know it takes both of you working hard to get where you are today! My heart is warmed...thanks for sharing news of your great day! I have a feeling you're on your way to normal!
PRAISE GOD!!! What an awesome report & awesome testimony to God's faithfulness! I have to say I'm jealous (lol) about the 6 months til the next visit! I'm hoping some day. We just made it to two months, & she has an echo every time, so hopefully at some point!
Give her big hugs & kisses from us!
What wonderful news! Heartfelt hugs to you and little Arianna!
Vanessa, I'm so happy for you. what a wonderful report. Maybe next time you'll even get to join the one year club! Yay! Six months must feel like an awesome vacation for Arianna's heart! And great news about the weight gain, that's always a stressful issue.
What a wonderful post! And letting her play in the waiting, that's amazing! (I can barely let me healthy Eli play in those...but, the cards are usually the cleanest...those kiddos aren't usually sick).
and don't you worry about a little stenosis....that can all change...or if not...can be ballooned open in the cath lab at some point (because we've had it done)...
So, you just sit back and enjoy your angel!!!
Love to you guys,
Hooray, hooray, hooray, hooray!! What incredible news!! Way to go Arianna!!!
YAY, YAY, YAY!!! What wonderful news! I am so happy for hearing such an amazing report!!! Way to go Arianna (and mommy)!!!
Much Love,
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