***So after I updated I laid Arianna down for her nap and checked her pulse ox...86%...then dropped to 82%. This is a huge difference then her normal 92% so I waited and waited and it kept bouncing all over the place but never above 88%. I checked it on myself and I had a reading of 95% which is normal since I'm still feeling congested. So I nicely ask Robert to bring in the HUGE oxygen tank from the garage and by the time he gets it in our room the stupid machine isn't reading correctly. UGH!! I called the home health people to order more pulse ox leads because we are out of new ones and the lady thought it would be better to have a clinical visit to make sure the machine is working properly. So tomorrow someone should be coming out to check our equipment. This still doesn't help us today thought.
Earlier I put a call into the pediatricians office to ask about her Albuterol treatments. You know how many puffs and how often since we've only used it while she was really sick back in February. I tell her the symptoms she was having and how our pulse oximeter wasn't working correctly. I told her Arianna normally sats about 92% while sleeping so I know if she has any respiratory issues that would make her sats drop below 90%. She sad we should put her on oxygen while sleeping until we get our pulse ox fixed.
Let me tell you what...she was PISSED when we put the cannula on her. She was sleeping and the second we put it on her she was screaming as if I was hurting her. Needless to say she did not get a good nap and asking super cranky right now. ***
I'm finally feeling better but it looks like Arianna caught the same virus as me. She is coughing and wheezing so we started her Albuterol inhaler this afternoon. She is still playing and running around so it's not affecting her too much. She's been taking really long naps during the day and staying up till midnight so it makes for a very long evening around here. Everyone tells me to just wake her up after an hour....yeah right...you try and do that and she how she acts. Poor baby just needs her beauty rest.
I hope that missy starts feeling better very soon...and lets you get some sleep!!
Hey sis,
Trying to get better so my princess can come and play! Love you guys and get some rest!
Aunt Lissa
Oh...the yuckies are spreading..I'm sorry to hear about all your problems. Glad that they are coming to check your equipment too...
and Isaac screams bloody murder every single night when I put his canula up his nose. (they should know by now)!
Hope you guys sleep well tonight and start feeling better tomorrow!
Oh, the joy of putting a nasal cannula on a sleeping baby! How many times have I woken Vaeh up when I have to just reposition it, let alone put one completely on her?!!
Hope the equipment checks out & that y'all are feeling better soon! Love on that princess for me!
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