Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Quick update

I haven't posted in a few days but things are going well for us. Arianna has had a runny nose for the past 5 days and started with a cough last night. She woke up feeling fine, no coughing, but still had the runny nose. Hopefully this will clear up soon cause her poor nose is all red from using so much tissue.

We have had a long day that started at 7am. I know to most of you that isn't eary but to us it is. I stay up till 2am so 7am came WAY to early for me this morning. I have so much I need to do but don't have the energy to do anything. My house is a mess and I'm hoping I just wake up in the morning and it's magically cleaned. :) A girl can wish right?!?! My poor baby is SO tired because I didn't let her take a nap today so I hope she goes to bed soon so we can all get some rest.


Kathy said...

Good luck getting her to bed on time!

Hey...why are you staying up until 2am???

Hope her snot clears up soon (what's wrong with the kids??)

Sweet dreams to you guys tonight...

Unknown said...

I know what you mean about not getting much sleep, It just seems like Logan is the same way, waking up all during the night and I am so tired when it comes morning time. Try and get some sleep tonight. Good luck

The Portas said...

2:00 am?!?! Yikes!!

Ok, I feel horrible. I've been wondering....hmmmmm, why haven't I seen an update from Vanessa in like a million years? So I went and checked my bloglines and Arianna's page somehow got deleted from it! So I haven't been receiving my normal notifications!!!! I'm so sorry! I haven't been purposely neglecting you.

Now I have some catching up to do..... HUGS to you guys! Have a great day! xoxoxoxoxo

Tina:0) said...

Okay, have you tried drugs?!? (LOL) Maybe they'll get her to sleep early!!

Hope you're getting some much needed rest & that you both get a nap in:0)

No more snotty noses, Arianna - Momma needs a break!

Give her big hugs from us!
Love Ya!