Finally I got the call from the pulmonologist. He told me they compared Arianna's chest x-rays to those in Dec. 07' and Jan 08'. He believes there is improvement from Dec 07' but not much from Jan 08', which is the time she was in the hospital with her respiratory episode.
There is clear signs of cardiomegaly, which means her heart is enlarged. Something she has always had and will have until she gets a valve placed.
There is also pulmonary edema (swelling) present, which is due to her heart function. Because she has no pulmonary valve that makes more blood go to her lungs, therefore causing the swelling. This will not go away until she has a pulmonary valve placed. He asked when her next heart surgery will be and of course I didn't like talking about that. I try not to think about those things. I told him what the cardiologists have said and he didn't say too much. Just that it will be up to the cardiologists when the surgery will be needed but we have to consider her lung function as well. If there begins to get increased pulmonary edema then we will have to start talking about surgery.
She also has hyperinflation in her lungs. He explained this to be something seen in people with asthma. This is the first concrete evidence to prove that Arianna indeed has asthma. We are to keep the albuterol inhaler for when she is sick but he does not want to put her on anything else at this time.
They also saw some high density in her right lung base which they cannot exclude the possibilty of a previous lung infection. Remember this x-ray was done with she was 100% healthy so that wasn't great news. We have always been told her right lower lobe is diseased and no one can tell us why or what is really going on there. :(
So with all of this news the doctors says Arianna is a child we really do not want to see get a chest cold/infection. He explained the need to keep her away from large crowds, sick people, and lots of hand washing. I told him how we stay at home and only go to family and friends houses that are healthy. We only take Arianna to small stores for quick trips but even that is kept to a minimum. He want to do everything we can to keep this little girl as healthy as possible. Even just the little head cold she had caused her sats to drop to 89 while sleeping. I am happy to say she did not need any oxygen with this cold, just a few puffs from her albuterol inhaler and she was good for the night.
Unfortunatly with the cold/flu/RSV season this means I can no longer do my hospital visiting. I'm really bummed about that because I've received a few calls the past week with little ones having heart surgery in the upcoming weeks. I love offering that kind of support to these families and I've been the only one visiting withing our support group. This is the hard part about running a support group when you have a child with so many illnesses. But Arianna is #1 in my life and this is what I have to do to ensure she is healthy and well. I'm hoping over the next year to get more people visiting at the hospital so it can continue year round.
Well I'm off to bed at 2:40am. Thats what happens when your daugher stays up till 1am the night before and actually sleeps in till 11:45am. It was nice sleeping in that late but not making it easy to fall asleep tonight.
Bummer about the pulmonary edema, I'll be praying that this doesn't mean Arianna will need earlier valve replacement. Not yet! It's funny, I just finished telling Tina to put Nevaeh in a bubble, maybe Arianna could do with that too! It's such a blessing her Synagis got approved, although it stinks she has to get all those shots!
You have been doing all the right things from day 1 with your little girl - with your diligence I am sure she will avoid any major colds this season. =)
Sorry that I have gotten so far behind in signing. I got to bring the computer home from work tonight so that I could try and catch up!!
Congrats on passing your test!
I hope that Arianna is feeling much better. I know that you didn't get all of the answers that you wanted, but I hope that it helps to provide some guidance.
You are such a great Momma! Glad she's doing fairly well. It's no fun when they seem to 'remind' you that your child isn't perfect. Well, I think they need to look at them through our eyes!
Give Arianna big, germ free hugs from us:0)!
First I want to say Congradulations on passing your test way to go!
I am sorry to hear about Arianna Pulmonary Edema our family will be praying for her. Hope she does not get to sick this Winter season I know how hard that can be to keep a child healthy.
Ugh, I'm glad you finally got your results about the chest Xray. I'm sorry it couldn't have been more positive news. With our babies we can never let our guard down.
Having read your (older) older posts I know you are sooo good about keeping her protected. You've even made me wonder, if I protect Angelina enough from cooties! But it goes to show how well you know your daughter and what you need to do for her. You are an amazing woman, for being a great mommy to Arianna, going to school and having your support group at the hospital. You impress me girl!
You are all in my prayers, hugs,
Although I'm sure you were hoping for more positive news, at least the doctor thinks there has been some improvement from last year. You take such great care of your little girl that I know she will continue to do better and better.
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