Monday, December 15, 2008

Quick update

We are still trying to get over this nasty cold but I think we're almost rid of it. I, however, have lost my voice. I think Robert is liking it though. Arianna's runny nose is finally clearing up. I am so happy to say she did not need any oxygen with this cold. :) She did start coughing yesterday so I was worried how she would do while she was sleeping. The lowest her sats got was 89 so I just gave her 2 puffs of her albuterol and that helped her out.

I have still not heard from the pulmonologist and it's really beginning to piss me off. I know she is doing fine but it's been 5 weeks since her x-rays and I want to know if there is improvement on her x-rays. But since I can't talk I can't even call to complain again. I'll wait till tomorrow.

I've woke with major back pain and have been laying on the couch all day, with the exception of making Arianna some lunch. I really hate that I am going to have to deal with this for the rest of my life. :(

On a happy grandmother from Oklahoma is in town for the holidays. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be feeling better and able to go visit with her.

Just wanted to let you all know we are still here.


Update at 6:30pm:

I received a call about 30 minutes ago from a nurse at the pulmonary clinic. She apoligized for no one getting back to me. She tried to blame the other clinic for them not having the x-ray but I began to explain to her it was HER office not the childrens clinic. Anyways she actually had the dictated report so she faxed that over to my moms work. My mom is so kindly going to pick it up for me tonight and bring it by. However, the nurse read the results over the phone.

They compared the x-ray to the previous x-ray and there is no significant changes. There is perihilar edema but no consolidation.

It's great there is no consolidation since that has always been something we've seen on her x-rays. The perihilar edema is something new to me. I'm doing some research on this and I think I might know what it is and why she has it but I'm hesitant to post about it.

The nurse is leaving a message for the doctor to call me after his clinics tomorrow which is sometime around 1pm. I'll let you all know if I hear from him.


mina said...

Hopefully by the time you read this you'll all be feeling even better. I hope the rest of the week goes well!

The Portas said...

I'm glad they finally got back to you. Five weeks just to get xray results??? WHAT? How frustrating.

I hope you are all feeling 100% again soon. We are battling icky cold-type stuff, too. I hope it ends soon for you guys.

Vanessa, I didn't know you suffered from back pain. Is it from an injury? Yucky, I've heard back pain is just the worst to deal with.

prayers with you guys, as always...xoox

Tina:0) said...

Bout time they got those results!! Isn't it funny how they always try to blame someone else (lol).

Hope you're feeling better soon - both the back & the cold/voice!

Give Arianna big hugs from us!