Saturday, February 7, 2009

We started our day out way too early.

So I work after Arianna goes to bed. Some nights I can't sleep and will work till 2 or 3am. Well Robert had to go to work at 4am today so we was up about 3:15 this morning, let the dog out and she started barking like crazy. The dog woke up Arianna at 3:30 and I tried to get her back to sleep but she was wide awake. I needed to finish a report for work so I put her in the living room with cartoons and worked another hour. By this time I was dead tired but my baby girl just sleep for 7 hours and was perfectly fine watching cartoons.

We ended up watching a movie and I finally crashed about 7am for a few hours. I woke up in the panic mode because I don't remember Arianna falling asleep. She was lying there in a funny position and it worried me. I called out to her and she didn't move. She didn't look like she was breathing...okay complete panick mode kicks in. I shake her...nothing....this time I shake her while I'm screaming her name....NOTHING....I'm crying hysterically thinking the worst has happened and I was the horrible mother that was just sleeping next her while this happened...then she took a deep breathe while I was putting my ear to her chest to listen for breathing. Panic mode over....but I'm still crying. I NEVER want to wake up like that again. Maybe I'm just too high strung or something but this is not the first time this has happened to me. Remember the Robert waking me up incident a few months ago.

Robert got home and let me take a nap. I did a quick run to Wal-mart and now we are getting ready for dinner.

I'm going over to my sisters house tonight for a few drinks with the girls, which I think I really need at this point.

I know I've promised pictures and I'll get those to you shortly.


Unknown said...

That is very scary to go through, was she just in a very deep sleep?
After what you have been through go and enjoy your drinks, My last week has been awfull to,I do not drink so go and have one for me ok:)

Take care and try and get some sleep.


Mami Adame said...

SCARY!!! Ii figures the dog wakes her when you dont want her to wake up!