Monday, April 27, 2009

The sickies have joined our house but it's just me who is sick, thankfully. I have no idea how Arianna has not picked this up, but I'm not about to start complaining. I'm excited to see immunology this year if she is doing this good. :)

I've been feeling yucky for the past few days. It's just a head cold and luckily no fever. Hopefully it passes soon.

I just wanted you all to know Arianna is doing amazing. Ever since the other night she has been satting in the high 90's and hasn't needed any oxygen. I feel a little silly going to see the cardiologist this week now, but I think we'll go just to be on the safe side.

Hope you all have a wonderful week!


Tracy said...

Hope you get to feeling better soon. Colds stink.
Miss Arianna is just looking like such a grown up girl these days. I can't get over how long her hair is.

Kathy said...

always...better safe!
or'll lose all your hair!!!

glad you are all doing better!
can't wait to hear the great card report!

The Portas said...

Definitely good to err on the safe side. Get her checked out and then you can take a deep breath.

Sorry you're feeling yucky. I hope you feel better soon!! xo

Tina:0) said...

Didn't like the kids getting all the attention for being sick, huh?!(LoL) Just kidding:0)

Glad to hear that Arianna is feeling better - hopefully you'll be in that boat soon! I'm sure her cardiology appointment will go just fine, but we'll still be saying prayers for you all!

She looks great in the tub. How fun, a nice bubble bath!

Give her hugs from us! (& take care of yourself!)

Anderson Family said...

Feel better!
Don't worry about going in to the cardiologist. With low sata last week, it's always beeter to be safe than sorry.
-coming from a parent who had no idea how blue her child was until after surgery.