Sorry to leave you all hanging. We took Arianna to the peds on Friday and thankfully she did not have a bladder infection but they are running a culture to be sure. They were suppose to call us today but never got a call. It sucks when your pediatrician only works 1 day a week and the office staff is always changing.
Arianna is doing great. No coughing, high sats and eating fairly well. She drank more milk today than I've seen in a long time. I guess she is just making up for the past week of poor eating.
I had a wonderful Mother's Day with family. We went to my moms for a few hours then over to see Robert's family. Arianna fell asleep in the car on the way home. Of course I forgot my camera so I have no pictures to share.
I'm actually in the process of getting my office set up to work on some scrapbooking so I'm sure I'll share some old photos soon.
Tomorrow we see Sherri (early interventionist) and Janet (occupation therapist). I'm sure Arianna will love the company all afternoon.
Good to know Arianna is on the mend!
Sorry I have not posted in awhile..
I am glad to hear everything is good with Arianna.
Sounds like you had a really nice Mother's Day.
Good luck with therapy tomorrow.
Yay for no UTI!! Glad to hear her appetite is picking up & she's feeling better. Can't wait to see some more pics of that cutie pie! Give her hugs from us!
Oh no, I'm sorry Arianna hasn't been feeling very well. I hope she's feeling better today.
So, we just found out that Elijah has a tethered spinal cord like Arianna does. One of the things I found interesting that the doc told me was that tethered cords can cause "serious" leg/knee/foot pain in children. I thought I'd mention this to you since Arianna has so much trouble with that.
Praying for your sweetness! No more pain!!!
Glad to read she is feeling better =)
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