On July 11th we had our 1st Annual Mended Little Hearts Bowling Fundraiser and raised $550! Here are some pictures from that day. It was great to see all the heart kids and friends and family out supporting our heart kids.

Aspen, Chloe (heart healthy), Arianna, Sydney

Arianna trying to help Jacob walk

Ari playing games with Bepa!
Then Arianna got to spend alot of time with her friend Alyssa. Here they are loving on the kitty.

Last week we saw the pulmonologist and he said Arianna's lungs sound like they are healing! YAY! We talked alot about how wonderful she was doing and then he went on to say he thinks we don't need to come back unless needed. Then I reminded him that this winter will be the first time she does NOT get the synagis shots (RSV shots). He decided to have her come back in November and we will discuss doing a preventative inhaler. As far as her asthma goes, she will use the albuterol as needed. I told him about her coughing with running and he said if we plan on going to the park or where she will run around alot to just give her the inhaler before we go. If thats all I have to worry about I'm happy! :)
This afternoon Arianna fell face first on the tile floor and got a huge bump on her forehead. Honestly, I was really freaked out but Robert calmed me down. You can see the bump right above her left eye.

So the past 2 days Arianna has been crying badly about right hip pain and not putting weight on it for several minutes so I am taking her in on Wednesday to see the pediatrician. I just want to make sure its nothing serious.
Well I have to run. I'll post more pictures later.
Look at how long her hair is getting.
Poor little head...I want to put down tile floors...but, that's exactly what'll happen to Mr. Uncoordinated Isaac!
Hope the hip is nothing.
BUT...good news on her lungs.
cross it off the list!
OMG - I agree with Kathy. That hair is getting long! Makes her look much too grown up... ugh! These kids need to slow down on the growing up thing, huh?!
That poor little forehead:0( Hope it goes down really quick! Also, hoping the hip is okay, too!
She is so darn cute! good to know that the pulmonologist is happy with the progress Arianna has made. And I hope that boo-boo is better soon!
What a great report overall! I noticed the long beautiful hair right away, too! WOW! It looks great! It distracted me enough that I didn't even notice a bump until you pointed it out.
I'm sooo happy that her lungs are sounding so good and that they are healing. WONDERFUL news!! I have a feeling Elijah and Arianna will be on the same page for a while with inhalers and albuterol and just keeping a close eye on asthma stuff.
I hope you guys have a good weekend! xo
Hi Vanessa!
My first thought was "look at how long and pretty Arianna's hair is getting!" Then I come here to leave a note and see that Kathy, Tina, and Megan have already said it! :) (I guess great heart mommy minds think alike!)
I just cannot get over how big she's looking these days. Who said our girls could grow up???
I'm glad to hear that Arianna's lungs are doing well. It's nice to hear good news!
Give that little sweetie a big hug from us, and I hope that her poor head is feeling better after that nasty fall.
Lots of Love & Prayers,
Wendy (& Emma, too!)
Ouch! Sometimes I think all little kids should have helmets on at all times. Kira needs some knee pads too.
I'm glad that you got a good report from the pulmonologist!
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