Friday, September 11, 2009


We had such a fun day with some friends from our Mended Little Hearts support group. Liz, who is a CHD survivor herself, has a little boy who is 2 months older than Arianna. The kids get along so well!

First we went to lunch and that was fun as we had to keep running our newly potty trained 2-year-olds to the bathroom every 15 minutes. lol!

After lunch we went over the Beads of Courage event that was going on. This is such an amazing non-profit organization. They are in over 60 hospitals throughout the U.S. but of course not in our local hospital. Ugh...I'm going to try and see if I can help change that. ;)

Kyle & Arianna watching people make the beads with fire. Arianna was more scared than excited

This was really awesome to watch

Then they got to pick out their own beads to make a bracelet.

Okay...even I had to get in on that action. :)

We had such a blast we didn't even realize we were there for 2 1/2 hours. Of course Arianna crashed on the way home so she is wired right now. Tomorrow we have to get up early so we can go to our monthly Mended Little Hearts gathering at the Tucson Children's Museum. I'll post pics when I get home.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Roseola is gone!

Thank God! Arianna was sure testing me all week long. One of the symptoms of roseola is irritability...yeah that's also a symptom of being 2-years-old. lol! I'm just glad my baby is back! :)

Not much is going on lately. We are going to enjoy a week without therapy appointments or doctor appointments.

I just realized I never blogged about Arianna's Holter monitor results. Sorry. I got an email from her cardiologist and the monitor came back normal! :) We will continue our 6 months check ups as usual.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Roseola again!

Arianna's fever broke today and out came the rash. She has roseola again! Good thing she is no longer contagious cause we are headed to Robert's brothers for a BBQ this afternoon. I didn't think kids got that more than once but I guess my kid does. I was beginning to get concerned about her swollen eyelids so I'm glad to find out its just roseola and not something with her heart.

Hope you all are having a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Arianna has been doing alot better but still battling a fever. She went to bed at 4pm and still asleep. I don't blame her. I took a nap but it was not a planned body just shut down. Hopefully she gets a good nights rest and wakes up without that darn fever.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Last night Arianna woke up in the middle of the night throwing up. After a horrible night of waking up every 30 minutes because she was gagging we finally decided to just get up.

The morning was rough but her bath definintly helped. She didn't eat much of anything and barely drank until the evening. She spiked a temp and the highest it went was 101 since we are keeping on top of the Tylenol.

She actually went to bed at 4:30 after a nice bath and woke up at 9pm to have a pedialyte popsicle and very small amount of milk. She quickly went back to bed and has been doing alot better tonight.

We had to cancel her early intervention appointment today so we'll have to reschedule sometime soon.

I'm thinking it was just a 24 hour bug...wouldn't that be nice! :)

Well just a little update on Miss Arianna.