Friday, June 25, 2010

Sister Love!

Arianna continues to love on her brother. I am really happy she is not showing any jealousy towards Devin. She will ask to hold him for a few minutes and will give him kisses throughout the day.


The Portas said...

This is so precious! I am so glad Arianna is loving her brother so much. I still cannot believe how much hair he has and how cute he is! Congrats, guys!!!

mina said...

So sweet!

Kathy said...

she is the cutest big sister! I've been a slacker blogger and blog checker lately..I"ll get better!
I can't imagine how full your hands are right now..I hope you're getting enough sleep.
kiss those cute kiddos for me,

Unknown said...

It is so good to hear Arianna is adjusting well to her little brother and there are no signs of jelousy. It is so sweet to see.