She was on 4 liters of oxygen and still barely holding sats at 90.

Right after taking this next picture her heart rate begin to drop into the 30's and she almost coded on me. SCARY!

Thank God for my mom. She would come work from my house so she could help us with Devin. Even with the 3 of us there we had our hands full. If it wasn't for her I don't think I could of gotten through those 2 week. She cooked dinner, cleaned, took care of kids, let me shower and cry on her shoulder. Thank you Mom for all that you do for us.

FINALLY she was doing slightly better and wanted to color. It lasted a few minutes but it was a start.

My mom and Arianna in the kitchen baking cookies. Yes..she's in the highchair. Only way we could get her to sit up. Man, her color was pretty bad now that I look back at her pictures.

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