Tuesday, October 18, 2011

October Update

So things have been rather boring on our end, which isn't such a bad thing. We have pulled Arianna from school and all group activities to keep her healthy for her upcoming heart cath which is scheduled for Oct. 31st.

This was the suggestion from her pulmonologist who knows how hard it is for Arianna to recovery from upper respiratory colds. We did go in for an appointment a few weeks ago and he performed another lung perfusion scan BEFORE having Xopenex and AFTER doing a Xopenex neb and we could see that there is inflammation in her small airways. She's been put on a daily dose of steroid inhalent to help with that and to keep her healthy for her cath. We will reevaluate after the cath to see if the blood flow changes anything.

So for now we just stay home, keep her healthy and wait for the next part of her journey...

1 comment:

mina said...

Hoping for the sickies to stay away!