Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Still needing oxygen (blow bye) while sleeping

Ready to start sitting up! Looking better every day :-D
She got a present from the treasure box after a full morning of walking

Watching some tv..feeling a little out of it.

Our nurse saw Arianna feeling a bit out of it and suggested we get caught up on our Beads of Courage!

Picking out her heart surgery bead

Resting her eyes...taking it one minute at a time with my girl.

Time to get in bed and relax for a bit

Time for a nap.

Woke up ready to take on the afternoon! The child life specialist gave her these amazing blow pens. You have to blow to make them spray. This is exactly what she needs to do since she has atelectasis and needs to open her air sacks. Blowing bubbles is just too hard for her and she gets discouraged. Perfect thing for my future artist!

Time for another nap. Since we'll be going home I wanted to put on the cannula to get an idea of how many liters she is on.

Gracie time! Sorry can't rotate it for some reason

Heart Sisters!  
 Surprise...surprise..we get to go home!!! Arianna does have atelectasis still so she is not completely out of the clear but her chest xrays are improving daily and since I can do everything the PICU was doing at home Dr. Teodori told us it was okay to go home.

We wanted to stay for a bit and spend time with Gracie before her big open-heart surgery tomorrow.
We're going HOME!!!
 But first we were invited to Gracie's special magic show before her big day and we couldn't pass up the opportunity to spend time with this amazing family!

Ari picking a card

Showing what she got...2 of hearts! Perfect for our 2 heart sisters!

Gracie loving the show!

Wish this wasn't so blurry cause the magician picked Ari's card out of his deck and she was so surprised!

After we said our good byes it was time to leave.
I can't believe just 4 days after open-heart surgery we are taking our little girl home! That night did not go too good. Her sats dropped and she looked horrible. I started questioning our decision to leave. I was able to make it through the night and by morning she was feeling so much better.

1 comment:

Nancy Jensen said...

Wow, what a day! I'm sorry that she had a rough night. Sometimes the pain and fatigue will sneak up on them so you may have to monitor her activity for a few days. I had to monitor Jessica's activity her whole life and now I'm trying to figure out how to monitor myself.

The good news is that it won't be long until Arianna won't need to monitor her activity. She's have more energy than ever before and you'll have to try to keep up! :D

Love to you both and praying that today was a good one. (((hugs)))