Then she walked around the grass for awhile and got mad when I picked her up to leave.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen grass like this in Tucson.
She hasn’t had much of an appetite all day so I’m praying she start eating again. We see the nutritionist and OT tomorrow so we’ll see how much she weighs. Right now she is sleeping and maintaining decend numbers so we haven’t had to put the O2. We’ll just keep an eye on her and give her the oxygen when needed.
Well its late and I need to get to bed. Hope you all have a wonderful week. Please keep Emma in your prayers she has her 2nd surgery this Friday.
YAY for the good report! Sorry about the yucky blood draws. I dread those, too.
Oh I am jealous of the grass! I can't wait to have some here in arctic MN again.
Take care, you guys! Hugs to you!!
I am happy to hear about the good report! We hate blood draws too...poor just does not seem fair that they should have to be poked at.
The grass in AZ looks gorgeous! The one time I have been to AZ (Phoenix) I don't remember seeing any grass...I guess it is just too hot there :) I guess I am just jealous that a) it is warm there year round and b) you don't have to deal with daylight savings time :)
As for your question on my site yesterday...Micah is holding steady (for about 9 months now) at 18.5lbs. He will gain and then lose again, but we are never above the 19 lb mark for longer than a day or two. We have spoken to the GI doc about the NG tube first, but since he is so aversive to food to start with, it was decided that it would not be good to go that route. Since he really does not eat anymore, it is assumed that once he gets the button put in, he will start to gain...since he never had a single problem with weight gain until he went into heart failure last July. He was eating like a fool before entire slice of pizza, two cups of fruit and snacks in one meal and he would snack through the day. We also struggle with the fact that he will only bottle, cup, sippy anything else, so I am worn out!
Okay, sorry for my super long post. I hope that your other appts go well this week and I will of course be back to check on you guys. I hope the weather is beautiful there...we are going to be warm this week...70's and even 80 on Friday! YEA!!!
Isn't it nice when ANY doctor's visit goes AWESOME!!!
I just want to take Isaac to the audiologist once a week, so he can tell me...your baby is great...NORMAL!!! Hearing like a champ!!!
Oh...and sorry she had to get blood drawn! We're on our 4th month trying to get blood drawn from Isaac...they just can't find a vein (even when we're in the hospital)..that's a little scary!
I hope you guys have a nice and easy week...have fun with OT...ours comes tomorrow too!
We understand all too well about turning blue with blood draws. Although Vaeh was slightly more purple than blue! Glad to hear the hearing test went well. As for the grass, I'm ready to see some here in Ohio, instead of white stuff!
Take care:0)
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