From heart surgeries, medical updates, healthy living, accomplishments and trials. We are learning to live each day to the fullest and become the healthiest and happiest family we can be! We love with all our HEART and believe with every ounce of our SOUL ---- God has a PLAN and PURPOSE for our family! (Jeremiah 29:11)
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Orthopedic Appointment
I do have so many pictures I want to post but I am just way too tired to do that tonight so I'll try to do it tomorrow.
Tomorrow we take Arianna to her first birthday party!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Then yesterday Arianna was invited to a birthday party which is being held at a local park next Friday and since it's outdoors I'm able to take Arianna out for a little while. It's only a hand full of people too so I'm not freaking out either.
Then last night we all went to church!! I can't tell you how long it's been since all of us went to church. She did really well and even sat in the sanctuary for majority of the service. Wednesday nights have less people and only an hour long so we will probably start going to church on Wednesdays instead of Sunday.
So as you can see we are enjoying some normalcy in our life.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The Littlest Heroes Project
Monday, July 21, 2008
Good Morning America
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The main reason I wanted to post was because Arianna peed in her potty for the first time today. I really had no idea how excited I would be about this. She signed 'potty' like she does after she goes pee, but we still went and sat on the potty. After 10 seconds she peed and probably thought I was a nut the way I was getting SO excited. Like last time, I gave her some ice cream and she was totally excited. What better way to get her to eat more calories! I'll be going to party city tonight to get her some little toys to keep in the bathroom and every time she successfully goes potty in the toilet I'll give her a toy. I'm really excited about this whole potty-training thing!
We're getting Robert's kids tonight so Arianna will have her brother and sister to play with this week. She is really becoming quite the little girl. The only thing Arianna has this week is Sherri (EI) coming over on Wednesday. The 31st is her appointment with the orthopedic doctor which I'm really wanting to go see him cause I just noticed this weekend how Arianna's right ankle seems to cave in a little (ankle pronation). I am hoping he can do some x-rays and make sure everything is okay. I know it's nothing major but I want it looked at. Besides that we are actually going to the mall on Tuesday with a friend of mine, which will be the first time ever Arianna has been to the mall. WHAT AM I THINKING?!?!? No, I'm actually excited to get her out and be around people a little more. We went out to dinner last night and she was totally into looking at everyone and even saying hi and waving to another toddler. Hope you all have a wonderful week. I'll post more pictures this week after I buy some batteries.
Take Care!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Setting blog to private
Thank you,
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Amazing video!!!
Family in need of some prayers
For new people on our page Susannah has hypoplastic left heart syndrome and there is a link in my contact info section explaining what that is. Ok so Susannah has a leaking tricuspid valve of which is part of her defect. Since she was born the leak over time has gotten worse. Over the course of the last few months it has worsened even more causing her lower than her normal oxygen saturations. By this it means that her valve isn't doing it's job of completely closing and regurgitating blood. So this in turn has caused a secondary condition of her heart wanting to pump pump pump and not relax. I'd like to add that the tricuspid valve is between the right atrium and right ventricle. The right side is the only functioning part of Susannah's heart so this is a very important part. Dr. Ringewald explained that we have two options which are to repair the valve or she will need a heart transplant.
A post from July 11th comfirmed that Susannah, who is 3 1/2, will need a heart transplant. Today her post was very heart breaking to read. She is trying to learn how to pray for her daughter. I never thougth about having to pray for a new heart, when you know another child has to die in order for your child to receive theirs. This is very hard on Brooke, her mother, and she could really use some prayers and kind words. She gave me permission to post her carepage site for others to view. The carepage name is: OurLittleSusannah.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Writing down my thoughts
By: Vanessa West
I remember the moment my life stood still,
when the sound of a heart beat was all I could hear.
Not knowing when, how, or why,
but trusting in my faith to get me by.
One day at a time
was all I could do,
Just watching, waiting, not knowing what to do.
You wish you could trade the place with your child,
just so you could see that precious little smile.
“The days will be rough”, one heart mom told me,
but how am I suppose to let this all be.
The day finally comes and there’s no place to hide,
I have to give over this precious little child.
The hours drag on as you wait for some news,
just to know your baby will be with you soon.
The wait is over and all you can see,
is your precious little baby as pink as can be.
I remember the day one heart mom told me,
“You’ve made it across to r-e-c-o-v-e-r-y!!!”
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Early intervention
Arianna said 'roll' for the first time while rolling out the playdo!
Kathy, this ones for you. She was watching Yo Gabba Gabba!
Sherri let us borrow this table she had in her van. We are going to cut the chair and table legs down because they are too tall for Arianna. She already had fun sitting on it eating her lunch.
It's 5pm and Arianna is the most cranky child ever. She is still working on cutting another tooth, hasn't had a nap, and downright unhappy. I'm hoping she can make it for 2 more hours than falls asleep for the night. If she takes a nap now she'll be up till 11pm!!!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Video after dinner
Of course as soon as I bring out the camera she shys up but wanted to post this anyways. She just had dinner and was sitting under the table acting like a dog. Silly girl!
Sign language
This morning we went to my friends house for a playdate with her daughter. The girls had a blast! Arianna fell off a playgym and hurt her little neck, but after some Tylenol and her paci she was out as soon as we got in the car. I've been trying to get some more video of her being crazy but have yet to be successful since she stops everything she's doing when I bring out the camera. Hope you all are doing well.