This morning was Arianna's appointment with the orthopedic doctor. After a really nice guy took two x-rays of Arianna I was getting really nervous. The doctor came in and put the x-rays up and you can REALLY see the scoliosis in her back. I was about to freak out but he told me he doesn't think this is acurate and believes she moved when they took the x-ray. I didn't see her move but then again the slightest movement can really make a difference in x-rays. She doesn't have a significant change in her scoliosis but I asked him anyways what degree he thought it was and he said according to this x-ray, which he's doesn't feel is accurate, he would say she has a 10 degree curve. Her last x-rays showed a 1 degree curve so I hope he is right and this isn't accurate. Of course we were not going to put her through more x-rays cause she has had too many already. The second film was a side view to check for kyphosis, which is a curvature of her upper spine, and he didn't see any kyphosis on the film! YEAH! That would be really bad and require surgery if she did. I asked him about her legs and before he even examined her he said she has tibial torsion because her toes point inward. I told him my concern with her ankles so he did an exam on her legs and ankles and agreed it is tibial torsion and ankle pronation. I read that tibial torsion can correct itself by the time the child is 3 years old, but when I asked the doc today he said it can take till there 10 years old. Guess I should listen to the doc and not a report online..right? He also diagnosed her with flat feet but said she doesn't need inserts for her shoes at this time but it will probably be necessary as she gets older. We will go back in 9 months and do this all over again to see how she is doing.
I do have so many pictures I want to post but I am just way too tired to do that tonight so I'll try to do it tomorrow.
Tomorrow we take Arianna to her first birthday party!
I am glad that the appointment seems to have gone well. I am hoping that your little stinker was moving for the xray and the curve was wrong...and not such an increase. I will have to read more about the foot/ankle stuff...interesting.
Hope you guys have a blast at the bday party...what fun!
Much love,
Yes, I would think that the docs would know more than a report online:0) She's just trying to keep you busy - lol!
Hope you enjoy the birthday party! Give her hugs & kisses from us!
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