Friday, September 5, 2008

Good report

Dancing around the living room...
Kathy, I decided this will be her halloween costume!


Mom, do you need any help?
(This kid LOVES playing with the dishwasher)

This is the face she does every time I say cheese..

So the doctor checked her lungs, ears, and throat and everything looked good. Thank God!!! At first she thought there was some decreased sounds in her right lung, she said it's really hard to hear over her murmur, but after 4 attempts everything sounded good. I've been wanting to buy a stethescope for some time and I'm sure some of you heart moms already have one, so do you have a preference? I figured I'll look on Ebay and see what they got.

The doctor felt that Arianna is just dealing with a normal virus and because of her lung disease we need to monitor her sats throughout the day. If she drops below 87 while she sleeping, or 90 while awake, then we are to put the give her some oxygen.

Get this...we are in the parkin lot of the doctors office and Arianna was falling asleep so I checked her sats and she was 92%. We get in the doctors office, they check her her sats and she's pulling 97%. Doesn't that always happen....your child is sick until the second they step into the doctors office. She did do a little cough when the doctor walked in the room so at least they know I'm not a crazy mom...wait...they already know I'm a crazy mom. :)

Our pediatrician is so great, the second she walked in the room she handed me Arianna's last two reports in her chart. She knows how organized I am with her medical records and always gives me copies. Seriously...I love this woman!

Right now we are waiting for Robert to get back with gas for the grill and we are going to grill up some hamburgers. YUMMY!


Samantha said...

I have the Littmann III and I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! I had a cheap one for a long time and it stinks in comparison to this one. I love the pictures of that precious princess. I love seeing her do so well. I am also glad to hear that the doctor gave a good report. Question for you...what is her murmur? Is it from her pulmonary valve or something else? I ask because Micah's is very soft (2/6) and often is not heard. However, when his little heart is struggling, his tricuspid murmur gets louder as well...but I just was curious :)

Sorry I have not signed in has been so crazy in my little universe.

Much love,

Tina:0) said...

I agree with the Littmann. Its what all my collagues used (nurses & cardiac exercise specialists) when working.

Glad that it was nothing serious. Yes, we're all a group of crazy mommas! I don't think anything else would be normal!

Give her some big hugs & kisses from us! Enjoy a burger for me!

mina said...

Can you believe it, I spend half of my day with a stethoscope around my neck and I haven't ever listened to Bilal's murmur? I don't think I really know why, I just haven't! I've never been tempted to or inclined to.