I forgot to put this in my last post. Arianna has been waking up with really puffy eyes the past few days. She normally wakes up puffy then about an hour later she gets better, normally after a really good pee. (Sorry but its true) Well yesterday we slept in till 12:20 (I know...crazy huh) but she was really puffy all afternoon. Even my mom said something to me, which made me feel better that it's not just me. Well I've checked her pulse ox and guess what she was at....98%!!! I decided to check her again when she feel asleep and she was satting at 92%, which I didn't expet to be that low since while awake she was pulling a 98%. We see pulmonary in a few weeks so we'll see what he thinks.
So today after getting Arianna's flu shot I told the nurse about this and she asked if she is eating alot of salty foods lately. I told her no and then she tells me, "Well you have a well-child check next month so I would bring it up then." As a heart mom, you can't just sit here for a month quetioning if there is something more going on. Do any of you heart moms know what could be causing this? I know this means she is retaining more fluid but I'm wondering why? We don't see cardiology till February and going into the winter season I'm a little freaked out. I'm also freaked out because I still haven't heard back about Synagis shots for this winter.
We fought the Synagis battle too!! And...we only got approved for 5 shots.
I hope that you figure out the puffy thing!
I love the new background. It is so cute!!
That new background is cute! (Jon says to tell you that you have 'too much time on your hands' - lol) Is she still on lasix? I'd call & check with your pedi - if I remember right, she's really on top of things with Arianna, right?! Even if its just to ease your mind, its worth a call!
Give her big hugs from all of us!
Shay has also had times when she has been a little puffy for a few days and then it seems to resolve itself. Many times it has been when it is very humid out. I hope arianna begins to get over the trauma of the shot. We are not going to be receiving synagis this year we were not approved by insurance since it is her third winter. I am very worried with having two other children in public school. Good luck with your synagis battle. And yes I don't mind if you add Shay to your heart friend blog.
Okay, here is my bit that will scare you...sorry...when Micah is looking more puffy, his heart is typically struggling a bit more. Tell me again about Arianna's pulmonary valve...is it there? Is it leaking bad? When Micah gets more puffy, typically his tricuspid valve is leaking more and therefore causing more fluid buildup...again, this is just me...but I would be on the phone with cardiology pronto to see what they say. Is Arianna taking any heart meds? Our card typically checks Micah's weight over the phone and then increases his lasix and his enalapril accordingly and then the puffiness goes away. I hope you get this all figured out :( Outside of the heart worries...she looks great in all her pictures...just precious!!!
Much love,
I think everyone covered all the things I would suggest...just give her lasix...let her pee more! I've never really had a puffy Isaac...before he was fully repaired...he was just fat..hard and firm fat face, hands...is that like puffy??
You do have a good card...call away!
Hope you get the synagis...GEEZ LOUISE! What's up with the insurance company. Maybe you should remind them how much a week or two stay in the hospital is...and they'll rethink those shots. Hey..our card and pulmo always keep extra on hand...you can always ask them if they can go ahead and give her the first dose "on the house"...they've already seen outbreaks here.
(Our pulmo just gave Isaac his for free since the heart center hadn't called us in yet...he just said we're too high risk to wait)
I foresee many phone calls in your future!
Good luck!
I wouldn't worry too much, as this is a common thing that happens with heart kids, but I might get it checked out. If nothing else, to ease your mind about it. As you know, we're dealing with the puffy eyes right now, too, and it makes fluid retention was happening because there was some level of stress going on in his heart. Every kid is different, so I don't know why Arianna is retaining, but....waiting a month? Obviously that nurse didn't know what it's like to be a heart mama. :) On the other hand, heart kids are more prone to retaining fluid, so extra salt or humidity could also cause puffiness. You never know unless you get it checked, though. At any rate, I wouldn't worry too much about it. If she is doing well otherwise, she is probably just fine. Use your mama instincts to decide what is best.
Isn't it funny how we mamas notice the tiniest little thing about our kids? The first morning I noticed E's puffy eyes, I pointed it out to Dan and he was like, Really? I don't see it!
I wouldn't be able to explain Arianna's puffiness, but does she have any allergy symptoms? That can also cause facial puffiness, especially around the eyes. I know as a heart mom there's always something to worry about!
Love the new background, your blog looks so festive!
I am with Samantha on the puffyness Logan is the same way, I hope you get everything figured out with her Heart.
I love the background
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