Sunday, October 19, 2008

Trip to the Pumpkin Patch!

Today was our Mended Little Hearts trip to the pumpkin patch. I put a montage together to show you all some pictures. We had a great day and ended with a very tired little girl.

****Scroll down to the bottom and turn off the music first****


Tina:0) said...

Such a cutie!! Looks like you all had a good day, despite not wanting her face painted! Hope you have a restful Sunday afternoon! Give her big hugs from us!

Kathy said...

OH..soo cute!
Now you know not to get her face painted again! (that picture was too funny--but, don't tell her that I said that!)

Glad you got out, had fun, and Arianna made new friends!!!

mina said...

Looks like you all had a blast. Have a great week!

Pam said...

You are right, your little one is growing up. Look at all the "normal" things she is doing these days. I bet you feel like a bird let out of a cage! I am so glad to see you guys having fun. I love the montage. Madison still will not get her face painted. She will now let them put something on her arm. Cute picture though. Love the family pictures too!
Take care,
Pam and Madison

jencooper said...

Sorry - I got a little behind. Oh my goodness - she is a beauty!! I love the new family pictures! I am glad that all is well!
