Helping mama clean.
She loves helping me in the kitchen.
Too cute!
As you can see she is doing just fine. Her runny nose stopped the following day. However, I woke up with a little head cold probably just due to the weather change. Can you believe I actually pulled my jacket out last night.
Tomorrow I take Arianna in for her first round of Synagis. I know she won't be happy about that but it's for the best.
I almost forgot to tell you all....this weekend Arianna's talking has really taken off. I keep a list of words she can say for the speech therapist and I just added all her new words in it tonight and she can say.....65 words!!!! She can say seven 2-word sentences and one 3-word sentence, which is "help me up" (when she wants to help me cook). I really think keeping this word list for Arianna has really helped me out. I'm starting to work on putting the words I know she can say into sentences and have her practice saying them. I'm also starting to teach her more signs again because I've really backed away from it lately. It's amazing in one afternoon she picked up 4 new signs. This kid is amazing! She is really into saying different letters so we are working on saying and signing letters with her right now. She's also doing really good with her colors. It just amazes me how much she picks up.
And one last thing....Arianna went potty in her toilet today!!! I haven't pushed potty training because she's been working on her speech more lately. Well the past few days shes been telling me when that she needs to go potty...yes she can say "poye" so we go sit on the potty. I walk away for a minutes cause she likes her privacy...isn't it funny already and she needs privacy...and she runs up clapping and saying "yeah". She is growing up so fast. *sigh*
Yay on the speech! Can you believe that some day in the future you might be asking her to stop talking for a minute or two, to catch a break? That day may come soon!
I hope Arianna does well with her synagis.
I love her look in the 3rd pic down! Best of luck with the potty training -- she is a true lady, needing her private time!
It's amazing to hear about all the things she is doing! Keep up the good work, Arianna! Maybe she and Sebastian can start a housecleaning business together. :-)
Oh my gosh! This is all such wonderful news! 65 words, holy cow. Isn't crazy how in just a matter of a few weeks these little minds can develop so quickly?
Your daughter is AMAZING! Proof that you are doing a fabulous job. xoxoo
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