Loving her new room!
Just a start...
I had nothing for the walls so I put puzzles we glued together on the walls.
Finally sleeping with all her stuffed animals.
So as you can tell she was excited about her new room. That was until it was time for bed. We have started the routine of going to bed, reading a story, and sometimes even falling asleep. Well tonight after our story time she wanted to bring her stuffed animals into bed as you can see from the above picture. She ended up crying and crying for her Daddy, then crying and crying some more for no reason. Finally I realized my baby girl just wanted to be rocked to sleep. I'm sure the transition to her new room was alot for her today. We'll see how she does when she wakes up in the middle of the night.
***Update 11pm***
Arianna woke up once crying so much I thought she was in pain. Nope....she just needed her Daddy. After a cup of milk and some good lovin' from Daddy she passed back out.
So for the past few weeks all she wants in the middle of the night is her Daddy. Kind of makes me sad...but I know he loves it. I know it's not going to help seeing how he isn't on board with the room transition so I won't be surprised if he puts her in bed with us. It's okay though....I can't complain about my baby girl wanting to sleep with us.
The reason I'm really wanting to start the transition to her own room is because we're already planning ahead for the next........yep you guessed it.......baby. (Shhh...don't tell Robert cause even though he's on board with it just talking about it still freaks him out. Typical man. It's not like he has to do the hard part) I just know I want my kids to not be too far apart in age and I think 4 years apart is a pretty good age gap. Honestly, I kind of freak out just talking about it but I know it's what I really want.
So... the first step is to get this little one in her own room, so that is what I'm working on.
It looks like Arianna's room has really come together. If she's anything like Bilal she can't have enough stuffed toys in her bed. We are up to six bears plus his blankie, and they ALL have names! I'm sure it will take a few days of transition, and she'll settle down. And it's so exciting you're thinking about adding to your family!
I love the heart night-light! Looks like she has quite the room. Hopefully she ends up in her own bed all night.
Another little one to love... oh, how sweet!
Give her hugs from us!
Your thinking about having another little one around oh how fun is that 4 years apart is fine it took me 6 years just to think about having another one. Good luck.
Just remember....we're "thinking" about another one. Actually having another one is a whole different story. I know I want another child but I'm not sure I'm ready to be pregnant again. Especially since I dealt with such bad pre-term labor before it makes me very nervous about the next baby.
awww, she looks so sweet sleeping in her big girl bed! Thinking about having another is fun. I thought about having another for a good year before we got pregnant again.
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