So.....the verdict is NO CAVITIES!!! I'm so proud of her. I brush her teeth twice a day and looks like it's paid off. The dentist did say her teeth are crowed which is normal for 22q kids. I asked if he's had patient with this before and he said yes, so that's reassuring. He said the main thing we have to do is keep up the brushing and start to introduce floss to her. She has 3 molars in and will be getting her 4th one in soon. Once the molars are in it will push her teeth closer together so we have to really start flossing then. Other than that, we don't go back for 6 months, at which time we will see how she tolerates things and possibly do her first cleaning. She will have to take antibiotics before any cleanings to make sure she doesn't get endocarditis.
After the dentist we went to see a heart friend named, Gabby. She is 4 months old and is having surgery next Tuesday. Mom is very nervous, as well as the rest of the family. I just ask that you keep Gabby in your prayers as she gets ready to go in for surgery. This was our first time meeting this family and they were so grateful for the visit. I showed them Arianna's scars and they were all amazed at how well it looks. I even took her surgery pics to help prepare them for what they will see and they appreciated that very much. Gabby has an older sister who is 4 years old and Arianna had a good time playing with her. I told the girls we'll get together more after Gabby's surgery and they both were very happy.
Not much else going on here. I'm going to head down to the hospital later this week to visit some families and take more care bags. I really love doing this!
Not much else going on here. I'm going to head down to the hospital later this week to visit some families and take more care bags. I really love doing this!
Good to know you got a great report from the dentist.
Just a question, did Arianna's PC say that she would continue to need antibiotics for dental work? We have been told Bilal doesn't (according to the new guidelines), based on the fact that he no longer has blood shunting across the ventricles or atria. Just curious......
I am glad to hear she has no cavities That's great.
Hope you have a good week.
Hugs Karen..
I'm so glad the appointment went well! YAY for no cavities! I cannot even imagine trying to get Elijah to open his mouth for a stranger. HA!
Great to hear no cavities. My 2nd daughter has them right now and I am sad about it. She is my ultra sensitive child so we've found we had to switch dentists too. Life is never easy.
I know Maggie likes to get her teeth flossed. I made up a silly song so that she will keep her mouth open . We sing " Get the goopies out." I've also found that those little hand held flosser things are good for their little mouths too. I know I had a tough time using just regular floss with Maggie because her mouth is small.
Now she can be part of the No Cavity Club! LOL.
Dentist... geesh! I need to get on the ball!
We'll be praying for Gabby! Do they have a site or anythinhg? Keep us posted on how things go...
Give Arianna hugs from us:0)
Glad to hear that her dentist appointment went so well! Sebastian will need to see the dentist pretty soon, and I don't know how cooperative he's going to be... But it's good to know that your careful tooth brushing paid off!
The dentist?? So glad it went well! I'm dreading it, its so hard to brush Angelina's teeth. And they'll have to sedate her just to look in there I'm sure!
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