Monday, March 2, 2009

Synagis today

Arianna had to get her Synagis shots today. :( No fun at all. Since it was such a beautiful day outside we decided to wait outside until her turn. She cried the second we walked in until she saw the monkey she loves. She has loved this monkey since she was a baby.

I wasn't sure what her weight was last month so when I got home and checked her records I was shocked to find out she gained....1 pound 3.5 ozs...which makes her 22 pounds 9.5 ozs!!! She has never gained over a p0und in 1 month ever.

This is her at home just being a ham.


mina said...

Yay for the weight gain. And I love the video, Arianna is so cute!

The Portas said...

She is just the cutest, Vanessa. I want to squeeze her! And what WONDERFUL weight gain! YAYYY! Way to go, little one. Keep it up...

Unknown said...

Way to go, Glad to hear she is gaining weight that is always a plus. Have a great day!


Mom 2 André said...

This is what you get when a cute little girl is in a video - a very cute video! Gaining weight is such a good sign! Thanks for inviting me to share your journey.