Saturday was the heart walk and we had a booth for our support group. I was not able to walk but my family and friends walked with Arianna. Here's a slideshow from Saturday.
Saturday night Arianna started with a cough and runny nose which just got worse during the night. Luckily, her sats stayed just borderline of needing oxygen.
Then this morning Arianna just sat on the cough and colored for about an hour. I didn't think much of it so we got in the shower and I got her dressed and ready. She is not coughin or anything but I figured I would check her sats. Well I'll let the picture speak for itself.
Right after I took this she dropped to 83 and the good ol' oxygen came back out. She is super mad at me about it but its for her own good. Her inhaler isn't helping so I'm just going to keep the oxygen on and spot check her throughout the day.
Right now she is coloring on my bed and doesn't want to leave. I think she just feels safe in there. She doesn't understand she can still walk when the cannula is on so she sits all day.
Hopefully this passes soon but honestly I'm a little concerned her sats are so low, especially with the recent history of low sats. If she doesn't improve by tomorrow I'll make an appointment with the pediatrician. I'm just trying to keep out of the doctors offices with the recent 6 confirmed cases of the swine flu in Tucson.
It's 5pm and Arianna only needed the O2 for about an hour then she jumped back into the 90's. Her cough is getting better but we are keeping up with the albuterol. You can tell she just isn't herself so we'll definintly put the O2 on tonight if not sooner. Just wanted to tell everyone thanks for the prayers.
Oh, poor thing, not feeling well. I hope it passes very quickly!! Give her some loves for me.
The Heart Walk looks like fun! Arianna looks so cute in the wagon and so wiped out afterwards. :)
Feel better, sweet girl! xo
Looks like the Heart Walk was alot of fun. I hope she gets to feeling better real soon. Give her lots of hugs and kisses.
I wish they did a heart walk around here, but the closest one is 90 miles away:0(
Glad that her sats started to perk up a bit... thank goodness she has such a great Momma to take care of her!
Give her big hugs from here!
The Heart Walk was great! We had so many people there! E-mail me some of those pics for our MLH website. I hope Arianna starts feeling better soon. Kira's not feeling so hot after this weekend either. Too much fun and too many people!
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