From heart surgeries, medical updates, healthy living, accomplishments and trials. We are learning to live each day to the fullest and become the healthiest and happiest family we can be! We love with all our HEART and believe with every ounce of our SOUL ---- God has a PLAN and PURPOSE for our family! (Jeremiah 29:11)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Road to recovery
I lost my voice for a few days, which I'm sure Robert wasn't too upset about. lol! I'm almost 100% back to my healthy self! :)
My family left last Thursday and it's been a quite house ever since. I SO miss having my cousin here but she promised to come back for Thanksgiving! :)
Today I let Arianna spend a few hours at my girlfriends house while I went to an appointment. Arianna had a blast! Not once did she ask for me. :(
She came home about 3pm and played for another 2 hours before she started acting extremely tired. By 5:15 she was falling asleep so I stuck her in the bath. That wasn't the best idea, she just sleep through the entire bath. Normally I don't let her nap during the day because she will stay up till midnight. Well there was no keeping this little one up. I thought she would get up about 7pm ready to party but she stayed asleep.
About 8pm she woke up saying she was hungry so I fed her some yogurt. The entire time I was feeding her her eyes were closed. I got a little worried because this is not her norm but when I checked her satsthey were running in the high 90's. Guess she just needed some extra sleep.
She is still getting blue hands and feet every now and then. The last time was yesterday during her therapy session. It wasn't even that cold in my house and she was standing up. Normally it happens after the pool but she was bone dry. Hmmm...not sure what to think of that. I have her scheduled to see her pediatrician next Friday at the new clinic so I'll see what she thinks.
So all this thinking about her heart made me realize we see the cardiologist next month. Every time we get closer to that appointment I get butterflies in my stomach. I'll try to forget about it for the next few weeks. Besdies we have to get through the pulmonology appointment first which is on July 16th.
Well I guess thats about it. I know this is a pictureless post so I'll take some pictures soon.
Monday, June 22, 2009
So after getting home I was more concerned because her hands and feet were a tint of blue all morning long. Her temp was 103 and she slept for hours. I called our ped who was out of town and she called in Tamiflu for us. This is what treats the swine flu. Just in case Arianna does have it. For whatever reason Arizona is no longer testing people in the clinic for this. You have to be hospitalized in order to get tested and I dont want to wait till she is that bad. There is no harm in taking Tamiflu for her so its a win win situation, except the fact that insurance didn't cover it and it's expensive.
Well have to run.....
Yesterday we went to my sisters and went swimming all afternoon and did a BBQ.
Arianna did really good swimming and jumping in from the edge. She has no sense of fear in the water. She even jumped to no one and went under....almost...if it wasn't for my super quick reaction. lol!
After an hour I took her out and let her run around in her bathing suit. I was surprised when she didn't turn blue right away. It actually wasn't until an hour later I was inside changing her into clothes and her lips started turning blue and then around her eyes. Even my Uncle asked if she was okay cause he's never seen her lips turn blue. I just wrapped her up and after several minutes her beautiful pink lips were back. Still...not a color I like to see on her. :(
Then my mom changed several diapers and told me she had diarrhea. I didn't worry to much and kept going through our day. Last night she crashed after such a long day but woke me up about 3am choking. I checked her temp and she was 100. Good thing I gave her ibuprofen around 10pm because she kept waking and crying about her legs hurting.
Then around 5:30 I woke up just in time to see her start to throw up so I got her to the bathroom, mind you she continued throwing up the whole way there. I cleaned her up then checked her temp and she was at 102. Ugh!! Not now!!
Tylenol is on board and temp is back to 100 while she is hooked up to the pulse oximeter. Her sats are 92 so she doesn't need oxygen. Heart rate is good so I'm not freaking out. It's not respiratory so hopefully we can bypass needing the O2 this time.
I really hope this is a 24 hour bug and my baby will be back to her normal self soon. We have so many fun things planned for the kids this week so hopefully it goes away soon. You know I'm already freaking out about it possibly being the swine flu but we won't even go there. If I can't keep the temp down then I'll be heading into the peds today.
I better try to get some rest before she wakes up.
About 10 minutes after posting this I rechecked her temp and she is 101.8. This is only an hour after taking Tylenol so I will have to take her in to the peds today. I will update when I know more.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Party time!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I just scanned a few photos and thought I would post them. All but one is from Arianna's graduation the other week.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The morning worship went very well. I took Arianna back to her class once she started crying. I think the loud music and people were over stimulating for her. Poor baby just isn't used to all of that. I wish I could say I had an enjoyable time in the class but I did not. There were about 5 other kids (perfect number of kids for Arianna) mostly around age 1 with the exception of 1 little boy probably Arianna's age.
I guess it started when I noticed all the kids drinking from each others cups and sharing snacks. The teachers started asking each other whose cup was whose. Finally after I told them my daughters conditions they labeled the cups with a piece of tape. Then a little 1 year old fell off a chair and hit the back of her head. Okay, I know kids will be kids but she was way to young to be sitting in this type of chair alone, but what really got me was the fact that they didn't fill out an incident report. Then about 10 minutes later the little girl fell again because she was in the same chair. Then the little girl sitting by me almost fell but I caught her by the side of her head. I just felt like I couldn't trust my daughter to be left in their care.
Another thing that bothered me was the fact that no lesson was done. I know they are young but if you put birth-to-3 years together you need to do a small lesson for the older kids. I quite 5 minute lesson plan with some coloring or something. Basically it was like a daycare and that is not why I'm taking Arianna to church. I only stayed for about 20 minutes and then we just left.
It stinks cause I really like my church and they have such a small class size it would be perfect for Arianna. I don't plan on taking her back there and not sure if I want to try to venture out and look for another church. Guess it's back to going to church every other week while Robert watches Arianna at home.
I've decided to start doing bible time at home. My mom used to be a kindergarten teacher and also taught the children at church. She is going to help me get some christian bible lessons for toddlers at the bible book store so I can teach Arianna all about the bible myself. :)
Sunday, June 14, 2009
This post is long overdue
As you could see from the photos I had alot of fun and meet some of the most amazing heart moms. It was a very busy weekend but I learned alot and hope to bring alot back to my own MLH group.
It wasn't very long once I got back home that I started working on my MLH bowling fundraiser. I've been pounding the pavement getting donations and working on lane sponsorships.
Thursday I had to stop at one of the bowling alleys to drop off some flyers so we decided to let Arianna and her friend Lexi bowl a game since neither of them have bowled before. Both girls had a blast! Arianna did really good scoring a 53! Of course I didn't have my camera with me but I got a few pictures on my phone. It's not the best quality but at least you get the idea.
Arianna got to spend time with her Nanny and Poppy this afternoon while I was at my MLH meeting. We had a CPR/First Aid training which went really well.
I wasn't about to cook so we picked up some pizza on the way home and just had a nice evening at home.
I plan on taking Arianna to church tomorrow and will be taking her in the preschool class. This will be the first time she has ever gone into a classroom setting with other kids. The ages are from birth to 4 so we'll see how she does. I'll make sure to blog about it tomorrow.
Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend. It's almost 1am and my eyes are crossing so I better end here. Good night!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Of course he just loves her to pieces and left a candle just for his sis. Awwww...
Cyrus was even nice enough to let his little sis help open his presents. How couldn't you after looking at this. lol!
Arianna has been doing really well. She is taling ALOT! She is putting so many words together and saying new things all the time.
She has also been dealing with some anxiety about snakes and baths lately which I'm hoping goes away soon.
I'm actualy getting ready for a trip this weekend. I'll be going to Orlando for a Mended Little Hearts Convention! Can't wait to be in a room with 45 heart moms! I've worked with these amazing women for the past year and a half so it's going to be awesome to finally meet most of them.
However, this will be my first time away from Arianna for an entire weekend and I'm getting that mommy guilt. I'm also VERY nervous about flying. Just keep me in your prayers please. :) I leave very early Friday morning and will be back very late Sunday night. I'll post with tons of pictures when I get back.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!