I know I keep promising pictures but I just haven't been into taking pictures lately. I forgot my camera all weekend long and we've done some pretty fun stuff.
We went and watched some fireworks at my friends house. Yes, it's illegal but we were just spectators. lol! As soon as we got out the car someone set off a huge firework and traumatized Arianna. It was so sad I almost cried. I stayed with her in the house for awhile but I wanted to take her outside to see some fireworks that were at a distance but she could still hear the ones my friends were lighting so that was a big mistake. The whole time she kept saying, "scare me momma, scare me."
Poor thing walked outside tonight and covered her ears looking around for the fireworks with this scared look on her face. Lesson learned, we have to watch at a distance from now on.
We also went fishing twice this weekend and Arianna caught 2 goldfish. lol! We threw them back and she loved that part too.
I think that was pretty much all we did. We spent alot of time with friends and Arianna loves to play with her friend, Alyssa, so she was happy about that.
Today we had her new OT assitant come out and work with her on her sensory issues and eating. We only had a little nibble of cheese and chocolate candies. Her eating has been horrible the past few days. I'm going to call the nutritionist tomorrow and schedule an appointment for her to come out.
Tomorrow we see Sherri, Arianna's early interventionist. Not sure where are goals are with her right now so we will talk more about that tomorrow.
Sorry the fireworks scared Ari... maybe we should take a cue from Wendy & put headphones on them to guard them from the noise?!
As for the fireworks here... you're welcome to come out this way & make a vacation out of it! They seem to get better every year!
Glad you were able to have some fun this weekend. Give Arianna big hugs from us!
Oh, poor thing. Sorry to hear the fireworks gave her a scare. :( I'm sure time will make her forget and by next year she will be begging for more fireworks!! I'm glad you guys had a nice weekend other than that.. Catching goldfish, how cute! :)
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