Well the night before her appointment we practiced doing an EKG because it's been since she was 5 months old since her last one. Arianna was a little apprehensive at first but at the end she was asking to do it again and again.
Practicing with some stickers and string
The night before Arianna's appointment we made cookies for the doctors and nurses. Arianna just loved handing them out to the nurses. Sorry the pictures are blurry.
He said her heart murmur sounds the same as is written in her chart from 6 months ago. Thank God! He wanted to get an echo but I told him "our" cardiologist wanted an EKG done at this visit so he decided to go ahead with that instead.
She did okay at first since we practiced but after 3 or 4 minutes she was ready for it to be over.
After the EKG was done the doctor reviewed the strip and said her QRS wave was a little bit longer than normal. However, children with a tetralogy repair never have a "normal" EKG anyways. I guess the QRS wave looks alot worse on paper than it measures out to be. That being said he wants Arianna to have a 24 hour Holter monitor done to see if she is having any arrhythmias because that is common in tetralogy patients. I'm actually really glad they are doing this because there are no major signs of arrythmias and alot of children with tetralogy have died from them. I'm still waiting for someone to call me about getting the monitor so I will probably give them a call tomorrow to make sure they haven't forgotten about us.
So we were leaving the clinic and about to walk out the front door when I hear someone yelling my name. It was the cardiology nurse. She said Dr. K (our doctor) saw Arianna's name on the board and he wanted to say hi to her. :) That made my day so we rushed back to clinic and spent a few minutes with OUR doctor!
As far as other things going on, we meet with the school district this week to have our transition appointment for preschool. Basically it was all about getting her paperwork in order and telling them about her medical issues. Now don't get too excited...she probably won't attend preschool but we wanted to see what the school would offer her for therapy since she is being cut off at 3 years old from the Arizona Early Intervention Program. We have to go back for testing in the next few weeks so see if she even qualifies for special education preschool. Right now we are just looking at possible speech therapy being the only need for her. :) Which by the way, this week was her LAST speech therapy session! So I'm not sure if she will even qualify. We will just have to wait and see.
Friday we see the immunologist so that will be interesting. I'm praying for a wonderful report!
Glad that things seem to be going so well! It is always a relief to get those cardiology appointments behind you. I can't believe it's already time to think about school!
That sounds like a great report! Now, what is this about a lot of Tet babies dying from arrhythmias?? I've never heard this, so fill me in. Yikes. Elijah has never been checked for arrhythmias, aside from what they monitor whenever he is in the hospital.
Arianna looks like such a brave, big girl sitting there with all the stickers hanging off her. And what an awesome mama you are for practicing beforehand to make her more comfortable. I just love you guys!! Kisses to that adorable girl of yours..xo
Sounds like the cardios are right on top of things, that's great! Hoping the immunology appointment goes well too!
Good report indeed.
She's such a smarty pants....I bet she doesn't even need anymore therapies.
Can you even imagine her going to school...
(that thought gives me shivers when I think about Isaac--he gets tested in 2 months!)
Sounds like Ari's appointment went well! Makes life so much less stressful after the apointment is over!
When was her last echo? I'm so used to how Vaeh's appointments go... she gets echo & EKG at every appointment.
Hope the preschool meeting goes well... Vaeh didn't qualify for it when we had her meeting, so Gabby tells everyone that Vaeh will be "homeschooled!" (LoL)
Hope you're having a good summer... give Ari big hugs from us!
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