Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Still feeling yucky

Arianna had a really rough night last night. She cryed and coughed all night and wanted to be bounced, hence no sleep for momma. It's okay, I have to be thankful for even having a child to hold and take care of, so many families have lost their children to childhood diseases.

This morning I completely forgot we had a meeting with Janet, Arianna's occupational therapist, so I looked quite surprised when she knocked on the door. We talked about the latest stuff going on with Arianna and she was in shock to hear about her eating. She stills wants to work with her every other week. At this point she won't feed herself much and hates the highchair. So she wants to work on that with us and getting her into more of a routine, but for now we are just praying she keeps up the eating. Of course with her being sick she hasn't eaten much so we'll see how she does in the next few days. Our next meeting with Janet will be next week along with the nutritionist.

I checked this morning and I think she is working on getting 3 more teeth. She has a low-grade fever, runny nose, cough, and has thrown up about 4 times today. She seemed a little better this evening while she played with Daddy, but its now midnight and she back to feeling horrible and not wanting to lay down. I pray this passes quickly, she just got over a nasty stomach flu a few weeks ago.


mina said...

Hi Vanessa and welcome to the world of blogging. I've had lots of fun learning to add stuff on our family blog. I'd like to add your blog to my list if that's OK, and feel free to do likewise if you want. Looking forward to seeing heaps of photos and videos of Arianna. She's growing up so fast!
Love, Mina

The Portas said...

Isn't teething so much fun? Hoping Arianna tolerates those teeth well and that she starts eating better...