Wednesday, March 26, 2008

16 months old!

My baby is 16 months old today! She is more ambitious than ever and becoming very brave. Just last night I was sitting in her room, folding laundry, when I turn around from putting some clothes in the dresser and there she was sitting on top of the basket full of clothes. I get her out and distract her with some toys while I put the rest of the laundry away and when I turn back around…there she was sitting in the empty laundry basket. Man…I have to keep my eyes on her 24/7.

Still haven’t had to put the O2 on, which is a good sign. She was actually eating breakfast and satting at 97!!! Her eating isn’t going that well but the past 2 days she has really been into drinking her milk and shakes so at least she is getting some kind of calories in her body. I tried to feed her pieces of a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch and she actually ate 1 small piece. I was estatic!!! This is a child that hates bread and melted cheese, so this was a huge success for us! I swear this child would eat fruit all day if I let her..but getting her to eat something full of calories is a chore. I’m just happy to see her willing to try new things, no matter if I have to go to the extreme to get her to do it.

I did put a call into the immunologist office yesterday to see if her blood work was back but still haven’t heard anything yet. I’m hoping to get the results by the end of the week.

I also put a call into the pediatricians office to ask about having a pediatric neurosurgeon review Arianna’s MRI results. Since we found out that she has congenital scoliosis, I joined the yahoo support group and found out that a lot of children with tethered chords, were missed by the regular radiologist and it wasn’t until a pediatric neurosurgeon reviewed the MRI that their tethered chord was diagnosed. Some of you may think I’m crazy, that I should just be happy with the results that I got. I am…believe me, I don’t want something else to deal with but I have to make sure the correct person reviews her MRI so I can be confident that nothing was missed. I don’t want to get years down the road and find out I should of pursued this further. So that is the next thing I am trying to get done.

Well gotta run…little one just woke up from her nap and she is not a happy camper.


Samantha said... are not crazy! You are a normal mommy who wants what is best for her baby. I am the same way!

I also can get Micah to eat fruit and veggies all day, but if the slightest hint of something full of calories gets anywhere near him, he is hysterically crying...what is it with these silly kiddos?

Have a great day...happy 16 months!

Love ya,

Tina:0) said...

They do grow up so fast, don't they?! Glad to hear she's trying new things. Yes, they do get into things when you don't have your eyes on them. Even Nevaeh gets into stuff, though she scoots all over the house on her behind! Boy, when she starts to walk... am I in trouble! I can't wait!

I think you are doing exactly the right thing by pursuing the neurologist looking at the MRI. I've heard of radiologist missing things, and it never hurts to get a second opinion! Even if its just to ease your mind!

You're having fun with the not so happy one, and mine is finally in a good mood, even with the therapist! Hope she is in a better mood for you when she is compeletely awake! Tell her we say happy 16 months! Enjoy them all - they go fast!

Big Hugs!

mina said...

Vanessa, you've always been Arianna's best advocate, a second opinion would be a good idea. Although, I guess that if she had a tethered cord she'd already have had some symptoms?

Bilal's also a fruit junkie, he calls any fruit 'nana', and would eat that over other stuff any day. I was so psyched he had baked salmon, mashed potatoes and couscous for supper tonight (and actually didn't stop eating until I thought he'd had enough, gotta love that Periactin). Just wait, Arianna will get there too! Good about her sats, but do you still have an explanation for the low oxygen levels? Quite perplexing!

jencooper said...

Happy 16 months Arianna!!

You keep right on doing what you feel is right. That is important! It is better to be safe than sorry.

Way to go without O2! Amazing!!


The Portas said...

Happy 16 months, little one! I can't believe Arianna is 16 months old and has been walking for MONTHS. Elijah is 13 months old and refuses to move from a sitting position!

And no, you aren't a crazy mama, you're a concerned mama, and that is GOOD! You are the best advocate for your daughter and you have to stay on top of things.

Yay on the sats and yay on the grilled cheese. I hope she keeps trying more high calorie foods for you!

The Watson Family said...

Happy 16 Months Arianna!!! Love to hear that you are keeping mommy on her toes! Keep it up. I'm thinking about you!

Nicole Watson

Kathy said...

Happy 16 months Arianna!!!
What a big girl you are now!!!

That's interesting about the MRI...
Isaac still hasn't had his yet (I've begged for one of his head and spine)...we just can't get him healthy enough yet...but, I'll remember that info when we finally get in!
I'm glad that she's doing good off the O2. My card is puzzled too as to why Isaac is still on it. Go figure!? These kids just like messing with us!
Hope you guys have a great weekend!