Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Life is good

Aren't they adorable!!!!

Arianna had her friend Lexi come over yesterday for a playdate. I don't know who had more or them. It feels so good to be around friends since weve been couped up in this house for weeks. Thanks Anita for everything!

Here is the 'cheese' smile!

Not much going on around here but figured I'd post some cute pics. I did have an upsetting phone call this afternoon. The RSV clinic called and I figured it was to confirm her appointment for tomorrow, oh no, they said we weren't approved for anymore RSV shots. WHAT?!?! How can you just stop us in the middle of RSV season..well actually the end, but still. We have had one of the worst RSV season here and with the upcoming tests at the hospital I won’t feel comfortable unless she gets these shots. They said they sent the paperwork in last Wednesday but never heard back from the insurance company. So I call the insurance company and they say they never received any paperwork. UGH!! So I call the RSV clinic back and tell them this only for the lady to tell me, “Well I DID send the paperwork in.” I wanted to tell her, “Do you want ME to do your job or shall you?” I had to almost beg her to followup on this. She was suppose to call me back but I never heard back from her. I’m upset because you have a 5 day window in which they have to have the shots or they are not protected. I put a call into the peds office, but we have already seen how unhelpful they can be. I just don’t have the $2500 to fork out for these shots right hopefully someone will figure this out.

Still no word on the lab results but I figured we wouldn't hear anything until next week anyways. It's really been pretty boring around here lately..but I'll take boring over anything else any day.


Krista said...

Preach it sister...I too am so tired of hearing: "but we don't have that claim"...or "but we submitted it on..." UGHGH! I understand our kids files are probably huge...but still...DO YOUR JOB! glad to see the pics...I was getting worried as you never go a week! But...we should all know...that in the world of heart news is good news! The pics of Arianna smiling are so worth it! And shorts...I'm so jealous! I just heard we might get 4-8 inches of SNOW for EAster! YIKES.

I'm sure the RSV thing will work out...they just need us "on top of if mommies" on their case! Good job mommy!
Sending hugs

Tina:0) said...

You go girl! I just love (lol) fighting with insurance companies. As if we have nothing else to do with our time! I've found that if you push hard enough, they usually give because they don't want to deal with you!

Arianna looks great! I can't wait to see our girls in shorts, but the rate were going...I wonder if we'll ever get there. Someday we'll see green grass & warmer temps!

Thanks for talking with me last weekend while we were in the hospital - it was so nice to hear an understanding voice! Thanks again for all your prayers! You're such a good friend & mommy! Take care! Sending big hugs across the country!

Andrea said...

I love her cheesy smile!
I hope everything works out with the RSV shots. You are such a good advocate for your little girl, I know you won't stop until you get what you need.

The Portas said...

The cheese smile is heart melting! I'm so glad she was able to have a friend over to play. How cute!

I'm also glad it's been boring for you guys. That means Arianna's body is behaving!

Yuck, I hope you can figure things out with the insurance so you can get the RSV shot approved. That is so annoying. I just hate dealing with stuff like that. Good luck! Kick some butt! :)

Anonymous said...

Awwww!! So glad Arianna got to have a friend over to play, and praying that something is worked out in regards to the RSV shots.

Samantha said...

I am going to take a guess that you have Cigna insurance...from what I have heard...Cigna cut out all the babies shots for RSV one month early this year! It is absurd! These insurance companies are so money hungry and rude! Sorry, they make me angry (guess it is my turn to get all worked up on something :) )

I love, love, love the pictures. Your little girl is so darn cute! I am glad that you had a fun playdate, those always make for a great day.

Have a great weekend.


jencooper said...

What a cutie pie! I hope that she had a great time on her play date. I love the cheesy smiles! I am so tired of insurance! Ours has been pretty good, but still....

Glad that you are going to enjoy some boring time.
