Friday, March 21, 2008

We actually got out the house

Just had a minute and wanted to share these pictures from today. We had lunch with Grams at work and Arianna enjoyed the fountain outside.

The picture below shows her signing "water."

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter!


Kathy said...

NO O2...what?!?!
WHat a beautiful site!!!
She is looking lovely....
Krista..Megan...notice the summer top that she's sporting....too cute!!!
Thanks for posting the pics...
Happy Easter Vanessa and Arianna!!!
Katny and boys

Tina:0) said...

She looks so wonderful! We're jealous of the short sleeves and sunshine! Its been fairly dreary here in Ohio, so send some of that sunshine our way! Hope you all have a happy easter!

jencooper said...

She is so cute! And no O2!!! Amazing! I am so happy that you were able to get out and about for a little bit! I hope that you have a wonderful Easter!!


Tracy said...

Wow . You guys are outside with no coats on !!! And a sleevless shirt to boot ! We still have icky snow here . Sigh .
Glad to see Arianna is doing so well .

Krista said...

So cute...I love the jeans and tank top look (rub it in Kathy!)

I love that she is signing and looking so good...even if the O2 has to come on at must just be awesome to just get up and go during the day!

Happy Easter!

Anonymous said...

Glad you got to get out of the house. I hope Arianna enjoyed Easter, and that it was warmer there than it was here. Take care. Jennifer