Monday, April 7, 2008

Good Appointment

The appointment with the neurosurgeon went really good. He reviewed Arianna's MRI and said everything looked good. He evaluated her while she was walking around the room and even commented on how well her head development looked. (For those who don't know, last year we thought she had craniosynostosis and met with the same neurosurgeon about this.) He said we only need to come back if we have further issues arise. I walked out of there feeling overwhelmed with joy! I just love hearing good reports!

I have a call into the pediatricians office about her RSV shots. They are still waiting for an approval from the insurance company. UGH!! We need this shot TODAY and noone seems to care. I think I'll call the office again when I get done typing. I have to call the pre-anestesia clinic after 2pm to get the instructions for tomorrows CT and bronchoscopy. I am really dreading doing this but I will be so happy to have this behind us. Oh yeah...they checked Arianna's pulse ox in the hospital today and she was at 95%! We are finally seeing some good numbers during the day but she still drops to about 89-92 when sleeping. Who knows...maybe that's just the way she is and there is nothing wrong with it. She is starting to pick up on her eating which is a huge relief. She even took a bit of my english muffin this morning!

I'll let you all know how things go tomorrow when I get the chance. Last time she had Versed it took a toll on her body and she was out for awhile. I'm sure it will be a long afternoon at the hospital so I'll update tomorrow evening.

1 comment:

Tina:0) said...

What wonderful news about the MRI. Glad the appointment went well, especially knowing that you weren't looking forward to it! I know all about the versed - we call Vaeh our little "versed junky". She's had so much it usually takes a little more than for most to take effect! Continuing to pray for good results with the CT & bronchoscopy!