Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Talk with pediatrician

I spoke with the pediatrician today and was able to express my frustrations even more. I still haven't heard back from the pulmonologist or immunologist . She sent the email to both of them today in hopes to hear something soon.

I have found this great support system on and the pulmonary disorder group has really helped me understand these results a little bit. Arianna's bronchoscopy lavage showed some findings of lipod-laden machrophages, which are signs of aspirations. After talking with the pediatrician she confirmed that this finding and told me after they reviewed her CT again the sequestration is ruled out. THANK GOD!! This still isn't good but at least we're not looking at removing parts of her lungs. I won't know the next step until I talk to the pulmo but at least our pediatrician is on top of things.

I have been on such a roller coaster of emotions and feeling very exhausted. I'm still nervous because I asked our pediatrician if aspiration can damage the lungs and she said yes. I asked what the treatment option is and she mentioned a trach (but she feels this isn't the case for Arianna) and the Nissen fundoplication. I didn't ask anything more because this isn't her area of expertise. I'll worry about the treatment opnion after we get the final diagnosis.

Thank you all for your continued support as we have been on this road for a few months. I'm just so happy to finally be getting this figured out. When I get more news I'll let you all know. In the meantime I need to really get to packing this house cause we're moving on Monday!!!


Tina:0) said...

Congrats on the move! Such a fun, crazy & exhausting time! Glad you are finally getting some answers about all these lung issues. It isn't the answers you necesarily want, but at least you know why now! Praying you are able to move easily, and that you figure out what has to happen for Arianna! Keep that chin up, you're doing great!

Heart Hugs!!
Tina, Vaeh, Gabby & Jon

The Portas said...

Sending you prayers of PEACE and answered questions. Your doing a great job, Mama! Hang in there. Your little girl is going to be just fine. Good luck with the move!


Samantha said...

I am glad that you are getting some of your questions answered. I just cannot even imagine the doctors not speaking with each other. Our cardiologist, pulmo and GI doc all send me home with or mail me out the report that they send to our pediatrician...the doctors really have to talk to each other and the parent.

You are an amazing mommy!!!!
