I don't think I even mentioned in my last post that Arianna's sats at the doctors office was 96! I even told the pediatrician that her sats have been in normal range ever since the bronch. Since we have so many unknowns right now I decided I would monitor her sats more often so I have some data to give the doc's.
So tonight she was just fighting her sleep like crazy for about 2 hours. She would just lay around the house, which is totally not like her. I checked her sats and she was at 95 so I didn't worry about it and left her alone. She finally fell asleep at 10:30 and I plug her up to the pulse ox and she was reading at 90. Lately for whatever reason she seems to be lower when she first falls asleep then jumps up a bit. Well not tonight...she did the opposite. I'm sitting in the living room and hear her alarm beeping. I have it set to alarm under 88 so I immediatly go in and check to see if 1.) She's breathing and 2.) What position she is in. It seems to be totally positional with her and I can just move her around and her numbers will jump up. To my surprise she was on her belly, which is her best position and can normally get a 94 out of her. I got a little concerned, since I am totally on edge after all the events from today. I wait...and wait...and she jumps up to 90...then dips back into the 80's. So out came the oxygen.
Oh man was she not happy. I thought I had the cannula on her pretty good but a few minutes later I hear a beep and her cannula was out of the nose. I decided to tape it on and that was even more traumatic. She is such a grouch if you mess with her while sleeping..but then again most of us are. :) I can't seem to sleep even though I'm extremely tired so I decided to turn off the O2 and see where she was at. While she was on oxygen her heart rate was about 75, which was so nice to know her heart didn't have to work as hard. Immediatly after taking her off the oxygen her heart rate jumped up and her sats dropped to 92, which isn't bad but since she was having a difficult night I decided to keep it on her tonight and let her heart have a little bit of a break from pumping so hard. It truely breaks MY heart to know my baby's heart has to work so hard just to sleep.
So I'll get a good nights rest knowing she is enjoying some nice pure O2 and who knows maybe it will help with her eating tomorrow. You better believe I'll be calling some docs tomorrow if I don't hear anything in the morning.
Good Night!
Vanessa, I read your last few posts and can sense your frustration. I wish I could say something more reassuring, but I'll be hoping and praying that you get to the bottom of these issues with Arianna's lungs and saturations. Perhaps if the local docs don't have any answers you can go elsewhere for another opinion?
I know the feeling of oxygen on/ oxygen off! Hopefully your idea works, & she eats great for you! Know that we're praying for you and Arianna, that they get to the bottom of the lung issues! Maybe the second opinion the Mina mentioned is a good one?!
Oxygen is wonderful! And don't wake me out of my deep sleep, either, I'll be upset! :)
While Elijah was on oxygen here in the hospital it felt very reassuring. It's such a nice back-up that makes us parents not worry so much!
Hang in there with all your unanswered questions. Praying for you guys, as always. Arianna is such a cutie pie. oxoxo
I am saying lots of prayers for you. I hope that you are able to get some answers very soon. I can only imagine how frustrated you must be.
Hang in there - you are an awesome mom and Arianna is adorable!!
you poor thing.
Maybe she's just like Isaac...their lungs have taken such a beating...and they just need time to regenerate healthy lung tissue.
YOU would LOVE our pulmonologist...ok..just call your insurance and see if they'll cover him...you can stay at my house while you're in town! (Dr. Nakamura!)
Isaac's heartrate is the SAME when I take the O2 off of him...it jumps at least 20 points! (I've never asked the card if it's too high...maybe I'll put that on my list)
Hope you guys get a GOOD nap today!
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