This weekend I was trying to figure out how many words Arianna can sign. I started a list and was amazed that she can sign 58 words!!!! It just blows my mind when I really sit here and think about it. She speaks less than 10 words which you really can't tell unless your used to her language, but this is still good. I'm having to learn new signs everyday to keep up with this little girl. I honestly didn't think she would be signing this much but she is so eager to learn and picks up a new sign weekly. It's so cute cause when your talking to her and she's having a hard time understanding what your saying, she will look at your hands and wait for the sign. It just clicks better with her when she sees the sign. We got 9 more Signing Time cd's so these will really help with her signing as well.
This morning we went to my friends house for a playdate with her daughter. The girls had a blast! Arianna fell off a playgym and hurt her little neck, but after some Tylenol and her paci she was out as soon as we got in the car. I've been trying to get some more video of her being crazy but have yet to be successful since she stops everything she's doing when I bring out the camera. Hope you all are doing well.
Yeah for signing! We've really started working on this with Vaeh just in the past couple of weeks, & she is now able to sign 4 words! I can't imagine being in the 50's!?!? Glad you are getting out for play dates. I worry about Vaeh being able to interact with other kids, but she is getting better that we're able to get out more! Hope you have a good week!
Lots of luv & hugs!
Tina & Vaeh:0) (Jon & Gabby, too!)
She's so cute! It's great Arianna's got an effective way to communicate. I hope her neck is feeling better!
Now that Isaac has his glasses...I'll have to find my signing time dvd's...but, he just doesn't look ready...but, I'll be a good mom and give it another try!
I love the video...she's too cute! know that Megan is coming to town this can drive up too if you want and stay at our house!
GREAT job on the signing, Arianna! That's awesome. You need to come show Elijah some things. He can't quite get the hang of signing too many things yet. Hope you guys are having a good week..xoxo
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