We had her speech therapy after our appointment and the first thing the ST asked what how often Arianna is allowed to use her paci. I told her all day long. She asked if there was any way to just limit that to bed time. To be honest with you I am ready to ditch the paci myself so that was all the motivation I needed. She said because of her speech delays the paci is really not going to help with her speech. So.....yesterday I didn't give her the paci ALL DAY and man was that a LONG day. She cried and cried but I didn't give in. Then this morning I let her have it while we laid in bed watching cartoons but as soon as it was time to leave the room I took it away from her. She cried for a second but that was about it. She did ask for it today but not as much. I just kept distracting her by playing with playdo (which is a new word she can say!) When it got closer to bed time she started getting fussy and I was walking to get her paci when I realized she had already fallen asleep in my arms. So looks like she doesn't need it to fall asleep so we might actually be completely done with the paci. That would be great! But we'll just see how she does the second we get in the car cause she always gets her paci in the car.
This afternoon my heart momma friend came over again and this time Arianna LOVED playing with the baby. "Baby" is one of her new words so she kept saying it all day. I have to tell you how nice it is to be able to hang out with another heart mom. She has been such a help with me over the past few weeks with the support group that I asked her to be my Co-Coordinator and she said YES!!! She is also putting together our website for our group and it seems to be coming together rather nicely.
Hey Isaac, what to come over and watch it with us?
I have started letting Arianna pull a chair up to the kitchen counter and help me with whatever I'm doing at the moment. She loves helping wash her cups....it's more like splashing water all of the place but she loves it. I also let her help me cook or bake...of course nothing that can hurt her. She normally does the mixing and pouring. So today I was in the kitchen and heard her drag the chair over to the counter. I turned around and she had climbed onto the chair by herself and was standing on it in the middle of the kitchen! I was so excited because I've been waiting for the day that she could get on a chair like that by herself but kind of freaked out after wards. So I pull the chair up to the counter and she starts climbing onto the chair again but this time slips and falls, but thanks to my cat like reflexes since becoming a mom I grabbed her by her arm before she hit the ground. Phew!!! I have to watch out with her now that she is climbing on everything. I've waited a long time to finally say that. :)
So here she is helping me with dinner tonight...
So now that all the nice and happy stuff is out I just have to tell you how saddened I am to hear that sweat heart buddy Colin has earned his angel wings this week. My heart just breaks when I hear of a child leaving this earth too soon. He has been loved by so many and will always be in my heart.
So I've had a very emotional week after watching a heart baby die in the hospital and finding out about Colin. It just breaks my heart that so many children have to endure so much and then loss this fight against CHD's. I am scared more today about Arianna than I have been in awhile. I have known soo many heart kids that are doing fine then all of a sudden their hearts just stop. And after the incident the other morning thinking Arianna wasn't breathing....I just feel like this is such a burden to carry every day. I have been waking up every morning since Friday just crying because I am so blessed to have another day with my daughter. I am so scared that one day I will wake up and she will not be with us. My whole world has changed since we found out about Arianna's heart and there are days that I'm happy we did and there are days that I wish I could just turn the hands of time around and never start on this road. I know am a better person today than I have ever been in my life and I owe that all to my daughter. I'm helping many families through our support group and I feel like I have a direction in life now. I may not be a scientist, a lawyer, or a doctor, I'm just a heart mom that is trying to make a difference in my local heart community.
Sorry for such a sad ending to such a wonderful post but I always feel better after posting these things on here. I just have to learn to deal with all these emotions and fears. I still find myself just trying to take it one day at a time.
I think it's time for a vacation.....maybe one day right?!?! I'm still thinking the heart mom vacation would be an awesome idea. Maybe Vegas since Kathy is already there! :)
Whew! Sounds like you have a little monkey there! (lol) Good for you both that stopping the paci hasn't been too terrible on you! Vaeh just stopped taking her's (a long time ago) when I soooo wanted her to take it! Oh well, means I don't have to work at getting her off it! Gabby however was sooo easy, just gave it up!
I was heart broken about Colin, too! Its just not fair... they have to endure sooo much. I jumped up in the middle of the night last night because Vaeh made a funny sound... thank God she was fine!
Hope you guys have a good (paci free:0)) weekend! Sending big hugs & kisses!
I'm in for the Vegas vacation!
And I loooooove the pics of that CUTE cute little girl of yours. Helping with dinner? So sweet!
I know the fear you speak of because I have felt it a lot lately, too. It's not a fun feeling at all. For some reason, we heart mamas were meant to experience this "heart journey" for a reason. As you said, we all come out stronger, better people because of the things we've had to face. It still doesn't make it easy, though, does it. Sometimes, like this week, I just think, THIS SUCKS.
You are making such a huge differenct in your community and that is sooo important! I'm so proud of the work you're doing. It's great to get to know other heart moms, too. I don't know any locally, but that is one of my goals. Ok, we need to plan a heart mom getaway so all of us can meet!
Have a great weekend! Thanks for posting all the fun pics. xoxoo
I'm in!! Sign me up for vacation!
Arianna is getting so big! She is such a cutie and it was great getting to see some new pics of the pretty girl.
I think that we are all sad right now. It breaks my heart.
Heart mom vacation INDEED...i'll email Oprah and Ellen and see if they'll cover the plane tickets!
Gosh..you had a lot going on this week. She looks great...and sounds like she's doing awesome! Eating, talking, climbing....what more could you ask for??!?!?
You're so amazing...so involved..I'm a slacker in comparison.
Thanks for posting the pics...I LOVED them!
I totally understand what you are saying Vanessa...I have had that kind of week this week too...bad, bad, bad. I am really struggling as well.
Glad that the princess is doing so well...she is just adorable...loved the pictures!
It can be so hard to live your normal life and forget about the worry that we all share... but all we can do is focus on the joys and fun surprises that every day brings, and be grateful for our amazing children.
You are making the world a better place with your work. How many people can say that?
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