Monday, November 10, 2008


Okay...I just need to vent for a second. We took Arianna this afternoon to get her first round of synagis and the nurse giving the shot was sick. Can you believe this? First I need to expain that this is not a doctors office just an office they rent out since their main office is in Phoenix. She was going on and on how she started getting sick on Thursday and Friday it was horrible. Then tells me the coughing started back today. I gave Robert the look and he just shook his head. So when I got home I called their main office and told them about this and they were very upset. The director told me she is very thankful I called because they never get feedback on their Tucson clinic. I told her I know alot of new parents don't speak up and wouldn't even know who to contact to address this. Arianna is the oldest child they are seeing for Synagis so I feel responsible to look out for these families in a way....I know it's silly but I do.


Tina:0) said...

Good for you looking out for others! Someone has to keep our kiddos safe!

Yes, they do grow up too fast. I can't believe she used her potty! Yeah for Arianna!

Give her big hugs from us!xoxoxo

jencooper said...

Oh my goodness!! I can't believe that! I am so happy that you were able to call the main office and let them know.


SUE AND SHAY said...

Does this nurse not have any clue that what is a cold to her maybe RSV to our little ones. I would have went crazy at the clinic. We are lucky enough to have our Synagis at home, thanks to Shay's wonderful immune system. The idea of only having the clinic open to children recieving the Synagis injection is a good one but why have a sick nurse giving the shots?

**Colleen** said...

GOOD FOR YOU!! I can not believe that woman was working there!

Unknown said...

Good for you, I would have done the same thing someone has to look out for all the kiddos.

Kathy said...

You're so good!
I'm a chicken mommy...I would have just come home to complain and not done anything about it. I'm so proud of you!

AND..that last post. She's talking more, signing more, and POTTYING! HOLY COW! She is a big girl now!

You're doing great things there!!!

mina said...

Good for you! I think you did the right thing. If they don't get feedback, how will they know?

The Watson Family said...

I'm with you on speaking up and I'm sure so many other mommy's and families are as well! Sometimes you just gotta wonder hey?
Thinking of you guys!

Love & that ever so cute Arianna!

Nicole Watson

Krista said...

I just realized...she is like weeks from being 2! Wow...she is growing into such a young lady...I can't believe the progress she has made this fall...the amount of words...that's awesome! You're definitely doing something right w/ her...and w/ contacting the docs...a synagis clinic of all things! That's insane!