Thursday, January 17, 2008

AHA Breakfast

Arianna, Mommy, and Mayor Walkup

This morning we attended the American Heart Association breakfast to promote the 2008 Heart Walk and I got an opportunity to share Arianna's story. I wanted to bring awareness to the public about congenital heart defects. Too many people take their health for granted not realizing how many kids are out there fighting for their lives. This is something Arianna will have to deal with the rest of her life. If I touched just one person today than it was worth it. Mayor Walkup was the keynote speaker and then I went up after him. We were able to speak with him and found out that his granddaughter was also born with a CHD and had open-heart surgery at 2 years old. He asked if Arianna had a scar on her chest and I showed off her zipper. He said, "This is a badge of honor and she is a very brave girl." I was so touched by him and feel like he truly understands what we went through as a family. Then his assistant told me it wasn't until her brother was 16 years old that they discovered his heart defect. He had open-heart surgery at 16 and today is in his 50's and living a full life. It was so nice to speak with other families that have been affected by CHDs, and who knew it would be the Mayor of Tucson.

Since the AHA is campaining their 2008 Heart Walk, which will take place on May 3rd, we will be getting a group organized to participate in the walk. If you live in Tucson and would like to get involved please contact me.

This leads me to my next subject. I have decided to start a local support group for CHD families. I have contacted Mended Little Hearts and decided to work with them in forming this group. This is still in the beginning stages and I am trying to get the word out about the new group. I have been in contact with Arianna's cardiologist and he is willing to be a clinical liason for the group and help out any way needed. Once again this man shows what a great doctor he is and how blessed we are to have him in our life. The AHA asked today if they could do a newspaper article on Arianna to promote the AHA Heart Walk in the next few months. This will be another great way to bring awareness to the community and at the same time get the word out about Mended Little Hearts. I am very excited and looking forward to what great things 2008 will bring. Last year we spent most our time feeling scared, alone, and overwhelmed with emotions as Arianna went through surgery. Starting this year I want to bring support to other CHD families in Tucson. I look forward to meeting other heart families and sharing our experiences together. You may never realize what you capable of until you step out and try. Please keep me in your prayers as I embark on this new journey.

Thank you all for stopping by and checking on us. Please keep our new heart buddy, Drew, in your prayers. He goes in tomorrow for his heart cath and I know this is a stressful time for little Drew and his family. We put him in God's hands and know that tomorrow they will receive a good report.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Good job!!!
You're sooo brave...I'm a chicken when it comes to public speaking. It just FREAKS me out!
We'll pray for Drew...
Thanks for being the advocate that you are...I'm trying...but, baby steps, baby steps. Maybe by the time I'm 50, I'll be able to address a bunch of adults!!!