I hope this makes sense cause its pretty late.
We received the pulse oximeter today so I started recording Arianna's saturation levels. We need to get baseline sats to know what is normal and what is not. The first reading was right before her afternoon nap which read 94%. I decided to keep her connected through her nap so I could get an idea of where she sats while sleeping. She immediatly went down to 91% then stayed at 90% for about 30 minutes. She dipped down to 87% a few times but came right back up, so not sure how accurate that was.
When she woke up she immediatly went up to 93%. I let her down to play and she was very calm at this point, barely crawling around. She stayed between 88-95% while playing. As she woke up more she started getting up and taking steps, standing, and moving around more. She immediatly started desatting and went all the way down to 84%. This kind of freaked me out! Any heart mom can relate. So I took the darn thing off cause I REFUSE to let a monitor control my life. I think having this machine is a good and bad idea for me.
The whole reason for the pulse oximeter in the first place was to see if she desats when eating. So I got dinner ready and man was she HUNGRY! I get so excited to see her scarf down food. She ate 3/4 of a hotdog and 1/2 cup of spaghetti. That sure was a new experience having a pulse ox machine at the table. She stayed at 90% while eating with occasional drops to 88%. There was 2 drops to 84% which was when she was drinking from her sippy cup.
We finished our night playing on the floor and waiting for Daddy to get home from work. She was so tired but she was able to stay awake just in time to see Daddy. That was all she needed to make her want to stay awake. Normally in the evening Arianna does her walking from Mommy to Daddy so I wanted to hook her up and see how she does doing actual walking. She was resting at 93-94% while sitting in Daddy's lap then as soon as she started walking back and forth her levels dropped. She stayed in the 80's the entire time with the lowest number being 84%. So this is now freaking me out. I know I shouldn't be but it is.
So the things running through my mind are:
1. If she is desatting like this when walking, shouldn't she be on oxygen? Her sats were at 84% when the doctors decided it was time for her surgery. One thing I do know is that it's not good to have lack of oxygen to the brain.
2. How low will they let her saturations get before needing to do some kind of intervention.
3. Is the pulmonary valve conduit the next step for Arianna?
So if any of my heart moms have information they want to share with me on this, please do so. I guess it hit me tonight like a ton of bricks that just because we made it through the first surgery doesn't mean we are out of the woods. This is something Arianna will have to deal with for the rest of her life. It just breaks my heart when I think of that. I would give anything in this world to change places with her. I honestly don't think I could handle another open-heart surgery. I pray to God that isn't something that needs to be done in the near future. This is the hardest part about her condition is that no one can give me a timeline on when she needs a valve placed. They said it could me 1, 3, 10, or even 20 years, it just all depends on how Arianna does. So we have our next appointment with the cardiologist on Feb. 20th and I am now very anxious to find out what he has to say about this. I am refraining from emailing him, but if I notice her level staying low like that when she plays I think I just might have to.
Oh yeah, on more thing, and to top it off I receive a reminder in the mail today about Arianna's appointment with the immunologist on Feb. 1st. I can't believe its already been 6 months since we've seen him last. We will be doing a full panel on her to see how her immune system is functioning and find out if we get the clearance to give her the live vaccines. I am believing that her numbers will all come back good and we can do yearly visits from now on.
Think thats about it. We are meeting with Sherri, early interventionist, tomorrow so always excited to show her what Arianna is doing. I think she might of found us a speech therapist finally!!! I'll let you know how that goes.
Oh yeah, Arianna got her RSV shots today and was such a trooper. I have decided from now on to take suckers for her on those days. I feel so bad cause she just screamed every time the nurse came near her. At the end the nurse was having me check her temp and connect her blood pressure cuff. So on the way home I had to stop and get her McDonald's. She had 4 french fries and a few bites of a chicken nugget. The look on her face when she realized we got french fries was priceless! Wish I had a picture of that, but I do have a picture of her drinking from her first juice box!
I think I like this McDonald's thing!
I'm so sorry that you are feeling so anxious and worried. I can definitely relate to that. My own opinion is that those drops in saturations don't seem to be drastic, with the exception of while she's walking. I would ask the cardiologist about it, because he may have something reassuring to say. Maybe it is normal to have lower saturations when she is physically exerting herself. I know our cardiologist has said that a few points in either direction is not a big concern to him as long as there is a trend. Also, something I try to remember when I find out new information about Drew is that it doesn't change who he is. Arianna is the same little girl she was yesterday, now you just know something new.
Good luck with the immunology appointment. It's about time for us to go back to them too. We're still waiting on live virus vaccines, but I'm hoping our levels will be high enough this time too!
Gosh Vanessa, so much to worry about. Just a thought, are the sats picking up accurately when Arianna is active? You'd know if her heart rate on the pulse ox correlated with her actual pulse. I'm hoping that lower sats don't mean early surgery for her, I'm sure there will be more variables to take into consideration. At least you'll go to see the cardiologist armed with a lot of data, and that should be helpful. I'll be praying for your precious one.
Heart hugs from Bilal
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