The most important thing is Arianna is doing great and as of 20 minutes ago she is down to 1/4 liter while sleeping and her numbers are looking good!! I wasn't planning on lowering her oxygen until tomorrow but her numbers have been so good and steady the past few days I knew she could do it. Who knows, she may even tolerate a 1/8 of a liter when awake, but no rush. I just keep praying this was a nasty virus which required Arianna too need a little bit of oxygen to get over.
This afternoon we took Arianna to the park to feed the ducks. We have taken her once before but she wasn't that interested then, but today she was totally into it. She was even throwing bread in the water. I am trying to get Daddy to download the video so I can show you how cute she was today. Hopefully we'll get this video camera thing straightened out. Here are some cute pictures of Arianna with her Daddy. Go figure, as soon as we were going to take some pictures with Mommy the batteries died. Oh well, we got some really cute pictures with her Daddy!

My Daddy is the coolest!
I lOVED the pics...oh you need to practice on the hearts or I hope she can take that canula out soon! I bet it hurts when she rips that BIG RECTANGLE off her face! At least it's paper tape...that doesn't hurt so bad. Last night, Isaac pulled his out 3 times...and I just kept putting paper tape on him (in the dark)...which means he looked CRAZY when he woke up this morning!
I'm glad that you guys got out of the house and she's feeling better!
Don't even worry about the house or the laundry...not until you run out of clothes anyway! (that's my motto!)
Hope you have a good night!
CUTE pics! What a sweet face. How fun that you were able to go to the park. I'm praying, too, that Arianna just had a nasty bug of some sort and that's the reason for her weird numbers.
Way to go, little one! Keep those numbers climbing!
It's so good to see that Arianna had a good time at the park. Next time maybe we'll see some mommy and Arianna pics too. Good to know that you're able to go down on the O2, but it's so befuddling, what has caused the low sats? As a doctor I'm always trying to find the answer to questions, not just treat the symptoms. I sure hope Arianna gets over whatever has been going on, and can get untaped soon!
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