Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Pony Ride

Arianna got to ride a pony at the clinic today. They are there a lot but never before has she rode one. She did so good, sat up all by herself with only minimal balance from us. I didn’t have my camera but thanks again to my camera phone I was able to capture the moment.

1 comment:

Krista said...

Wow...pony rides at the docs office? That's awesome! What a great idea to cheer up the kiddos!

I'm so glad you have some "answers" to Arianna's mystery fever the past few days...I taught preschool for a couple years...and there were always kids out with roseola. glad that you have some good vibes about the new doc! A dedicated ped is priceless with these heart kids...praying you finally found her!

Sending hugs...covered in snow!