So here is my venting session for the night. We have gone through two roommates. The first was a little girl who had asthma, the second was a little girl with pneumonia and developed pleural effusion so went in for surgery today. So we enjoyed a few hours of alone time in our room but that was short lived. They were prepping the room for a new patient and I didn't even think of asking what this paitent was coming in for because they said they will pair up the kids according to whats wrong with them. So me and Robert figured it would be another child with pneumonia. So they bring this little boy in who looked really bad. You can hear the parents giving the description of his symptoms, i.e vomiting, high temp, etc. I immediatly told Robert I didn't feel comfortable with sharing a room with this kid, he is definintly sick with some kind of virus. So I'm sitting there while Arianna is napping and I was trying not to pay too close attention when they were talking to the nurses and doctors but I kept hearing the word RSV being said. I looked at Robert and told him we need to get out of here, they think he has RSV. Well it takes time to get the RSV test results back so they wouldn't know for sure until tomorrow but they are taking precautions and gowning and masking up when coming on contact with him. I couldn't believe they stuck this boy in our room!! I immediatly asked the nurse if he had RSV and she said probably. So I told her that we were told they wouldn't pair us with a sick kid because of her CHD and DiGeorge Syndrome this could be really bad if she caught RSV. I told her we needed out of that room and I was going to take Arianna out in the hall until they figured it out. They said they could put us in a private room but it would take 1 hour to get the current patient discharged and clean the room. So me and Robert took Arianna to the playroom, which was empty, thank God and waited until our room was ready. Then when we get in the room one of the nurses tells us that the boy is on 15 liters of oxygen, which is the highest they can give before having to intubate him. I am just so pissed off that they didn't take the time to look at our chart and see if we could be paired with a RSV child. ARE THEY STUPID!!! Okay...sorry just had to get that out. UUUGGHHH!!!
So here we are in our own room which is so nice to not have to worry about her picking something up from a roommate. I still feel freaked out cause this is the 2nd child on the floor that I know for sure has RSV. The longer we are hear the more Arianna is exposed to these germs. So please pray we get out of here soon. When we got in our room I asked the nurse to change her cannula cause it just looked nasty and she said we could just take it out since she had been off oxygen for so long. I told her I'm sure she will need it when she falls asleep but she didn't listen. Sure enough as soon as she feel asleep and we laid her down her sats dropped to 86 and stayed. They put another cannula on her and started with just 0.2 liters which didn't do anything. She is now on 0.7, which was what she was on last night and is doing well. She occasionally drops and they just want us to rub her chest when this happens, because we think she just breaths too shallow and stimulating the chest helps her breath deeper. So, Daddy has decided to stay the night and do shifts so one of us keeps an eye on her all night. The nurse thinks that would be a good idea. So that is why its going to be a long night. I'll give Daddy 4 hours of sleep then I'll try to get a few hours before Arianna wakes up. We were able to get a quick picture of her without her cannula on and she was so happy. My baby girl just knows how to make her mommy so happy. I am so proud of her and couldn't imagine my life without her.
Oh yeah, one more thing, they have stopped her IV, but are still going to keep the IV site because her antibiotics are given through the IV, but that is one less wire we have to deal with.
I am hoping we get to go home tomorrow, but I also thought we would go hom today so we'll just see what tomorrow bring us.
Oh my gosh Vanessa! First of all, I love those pictures. Arianna is such a cutie pie! And I am so proud of you for saying something and protecting her from RSV. I've been in the same situation and I know it's awkward, but if we don't say something who will? I'm praying for you guys and hoping you'll go home soon.
We've been stuck in rooms with sick kids before too...I can't stand it!!! That's why I don't stay in those hospitals longer than I need to. Good for you for speaking up. I was shy for a while and didn't want to hurt any one's feelings...well, not butterball is far more important!!!
The pictures are priceless!!! My fav is still the bed head pic....but, look how happy she looks!
Hope you guys were able to get some sleep.
That makes me so mad that they were going to keep you in the room with the RSV kid. You did the right thing by getting out of there. How frustrating!
The pics are great! Look at that sweet girl. :)
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