She really had a blast outside with Daddy
I never get the chance to clean without Arianna around so I was happy to think this might be a good productive start to my day. I started a load of laundry, picked up the kitchen, took snacks outside for Arianna, proceeded to finish cleaning the kitchen when Daddy brought lil’ one back inside. By this time it was already time to get lunch ready. So I got lunch for all of us, which wasn’t hard to do with a frozen pizza. ☺ Tried to feed Arianna pizza and French fries which she didn’t want anything to do with, so I attempted baby food which turned into a big mess. She kept putting her hands in her mouth so I figured she was just teething, since she just cut another tooth this week, and gave up trying to feed her lunch. I gave her some Tylenol and she faked me out by laying down on me for 5 minutes and allowed me to rock her, which NEVER happens anymore. Then out of nowhere she got a burst of energy and wanted to keep playing. I figured we both needed to take a shower so we jumped in the shower…WITHOUT oxygen!!! Her numbers have been good so I decided a 10 minutes shower without O2 wouldn't hurt.
LOOK..No cannula!
I checked her pulse ox levels and she was in the low 90’s so we had to put a new cannula back on. She wasn’t too thrilled about that but I did try to make some little hearts instead of those big old squares.
This one's for you Kathy. I know they are HUGE, I'll just keep trying!
Now its 4 pm and I’m still trying to finish cleaning my kitchen (which I started at 10am), fold and put away 3 loads of laundry, attempt to do some studying before Arianna wakes up (doubt that will happen), and figure out what’s for dinner. Seriously. what happened to my day?
Now its 4 pm and I’m still trying to finish cleaning my kitchen (which I started at 10am), fold and put away 3 loads of laundry, attempt to do some studying before Arianna wakes up (doubt that will happen), and figure out what’s for dinner. Seriously. what happened to my day?
You know that I was just picking on you with the squares! Isn't the weather just perfect today!!! I didn't get out..but, It looked pretty from the windows!
Welcome to my world...It looks like I NEVER clean my house...yet, I'm moving things around ALL day long!
Don't worry about a thing...it will get done one day!
Thanks for the update!
Glad Arianna's feeling better and playing.
The hearts are cute! What a cute face behind the hearts, too. Can I squeeze those sweet cheeks?
Little by little on the housework. At least you got a bit done today. Doesn't that feel good?
Have a good, restful night! xxoxooxo
I've been slackin' on the comments...but checking in daily! I'm so glad you had a day to "try" and get some work done! Yeah...for daddy! Love the hearts...and I always rejoiced in the minutes between cannula changes with Kate...just gotta love those pretty girls faces!
I'm so jealous of your weather...and days at the park! Wow...it's bitterly cold here!
Hey...can you email me your address...(aklayman4@verizon.net)
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